Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on Scalawags - 2462 Words
Scalawags 1. Who were the Scalawags?  · Scalawags is the name given to native or local whites who supported the Rep party. The origins of the word is uncertain but the term came from Scalway, a district in Sheton Island, where small cattle lived. Used in US before the Civil war to mean scrawny or undersized cattle. It was also a synonmy for good for nothing. Southern conservative whites found the scalawags uniquely hateful. Blacks were considerable more understand then the faults of a scalawags who was considered a traitor to the south and his own white race.  · They were primarily thought to be poor whites who had opposed the southern aristocracy and the confederacy and who now sought personal and class gains through the†¦show more content†¦He missappropiated arms funds. He also took money for pardons and appointments. He betrayed not only his state, but his class, his college, the negroes who voted him in the office and himself. When he finished his term as a governor, he was an hopeless bankrupt. His associates abandoned him. Because of Chamberlains (carpetbagger) effort to erase the corruption left by Moses, some democrats thought about relected him. His wife divorced him and he went to Mass where he was moderator of the town meetings  · Another Ex: Christopher Columbus Bowen (SC): best resembles the conservative stereoptye. Born in RI, he moved to Ge where he made his living as a card dealer. He joined the confederate army. Courtmarshalled and jailed in Charleston but was freed when the Union army occupied the city in 1865. In 1868, he was jailed again for alledgedly embezzling money from the freedmen. Acquited in 1872 on a bigomy charge. Pardoned by President Grant. Served two terms in the national house of reps.  · Most common elements of these native southerns who became republican were: Unionist background, lingering attachment to Whiggery, and a closely related attraction to the economic philosophy of the Rep party. Republicans also attracted number of urban and small town artisans and among southerns foreign born working men. Some unionists and former whigs would not consider joining the democratic party for any reasons. SomeShow MoreRelatedWhy the Reconstruction Stopped After the Civil War Essay678 Words  | 3 Pageshe would be a victim of the Ku Klux Klan, then it was probably not safe for Republicans, scalawags, and carpetbaggers in the South during Reconstruction. The North was responsible for providing safety in the South for Republicans, carpetbaggers, scalawags, and African Americans. This would have proved that the North was negligent. 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The Civil War, a war between the North and South in The United States of America fought over state’s rights, slavery, and nullification. This war was fought mostly in the South, which caused tons and tons of damage emotionally physically and politically to the South. In the following paragraphs, what exactly reconstruction is, how it and the war affected The United States ofRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller829 Words  | 4 Pageswas only a kid, she saw her guardians ruthless homicides. I saw Indians smash my dear parents heads on the pillow next to mine... (page 20) After her traumatic experience, she was raised by her uncle, Reverend Parris, who is to some degree a scalawag. In the play it was composed He (Parris) was a widower with no interest in children, or talent with them. (Page 3) Along these lines, it is clear to see that Abigail grew up with no adoration or supporting. She additionally was with no genuineRead MoreWhat If Abraham Lincoln Hadnt Died? 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All records, all statistical achievements, from the era of the 1990s and early 2000s have to be viewed through the lens of baseball made better through science.†(Manny-headed Monster par 15) Another benefit of testing athletes is that it canRead MoreThe Civil War And Its Effect On The Reconstruction Process849 Words  | 4 Pageslooks at the rightness or wrongness of the stance that Lincoln took and its effect on the reconstruction process. The radicals in the South were less accommodative to what President Lincoln was trying to implement at the time. The carpetbaggers and scalawags at the time, began, rebuilding the Southern economy on their own terms, far from the policy President Lincoln was bringing in. because of the end of slavery, freemen were equally included in building the economy, where schools were built and shared
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