Monday, August 24, 2020
Golden Age of Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Brilliant Age of Capitalism - Essay Example This was when trade was being upset with the rise of new advancements in transport and correspondence which encouraged the universal markets. Railways and steamships were utilized for land transportation of products. This brought forth the universal market with merchandise being moved between nations, for example, America and England. The improvement of worldwide business in fabricates on such a scale was just conceivable as a result of an expansion in universal progressions of capital and the global arrangement of budgetary administrations (Milward 22). This was apparent in post world war II economy of Europe. By 1950 progressively an incredible level of the salary of outside countries such Denmark was from remote exchange with different countries. The swapping scale between national monetary forms was steady in spite of the force among warring countries that was developing. Therefore countries had the option to succeed and develop financially and advance association. The way of lif e for some, residents was at the time much better and kept on improving with the expansion in the national salary per capita because of financial achievement. Over the period 1950-70, the pace of development of yield in the development part was somewhere in the range of 4 and 7 percent a year over Western Europe as entire, and subsequently to some degree higher than the pace of development of all out yield (Milward 52). This additional to the achievement and monetary reliance of countries after World War II. Along these lines various areas of various countries that spent significant time in an exchange to encourage development, rose extensively. The exchange shortfall with the dollar zone expanded triple somewhere in the range of 1951 and 1957 (Milward 182). This expanded yield and western Europe had an overflow that was exceptional. Help stretched out to the residents of a country post war was critical in setting up the state as a methods for the individuals to better themselves. The general change of the German annuities frameworks in 1955-7 , an offer by the Christian Democratic Union for a drawn out working class appointive help, shared little for all intents and purpose, for instance with the expansion of open government assistance in Sweden or Norway aside from an adherence to the view that the security of the state required a positive reaction to the interest for government assistance (Milward 47). This was significant in passing on to the open that as per the government assistanc e strategies set up, they also were to add to the development of the economy in the nations referenced. In my point of view, this was a period of extraordinary hardships, those getting more extravagant were remote financial specialists, investors and shippers. Governments managed a hand, and submerged their economies in the developing scene showcase. This period accordingly offered ascend to a whirlwind of new position openings in transportation and correspondence. The post-war remaking of countries supported by innovative progressions was intended to reconstruct the economy, advance industrialization and modernization. Because of the achievement accomplished in this undertaking, it was fundamental for the legislatures to keep up it for motivations behind accomplishing financial reliance. Political steadiness of this age put partaking nations in the bleeding edge of global exchange, ventures, travel and movement which expanded more than some other period. It is amazing how countries had the option to encounter a period that was high in monetary development because of transportation and correspondence headways. This period was novel and can't as of now be
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How To Become a Straight-A Student Without Struggling Too Much
The most effective method to Become a Straight-A Student Without Struggling Too Much How to turn into a straight-An understudy? How to successfully oversee time and prevail with regards to concentrating without being fastened to a library? A great deal of understudies pose these inquiries. In any case, very few of them really figure out how to discover replies as well as move information from hypothesis to rehearse. High evaluations open numerous entryways and give extraordinary chances. Getting straight As is about difficult work, control, and steadiness. However, there are some lifehacks that will assist you with improving your contemplating procedure on your approach to higher evaluations. Look at the best tips on the best way to score high while examining and keep up your public activity we assembled for you. Deal with Your Time The best method to begin getting higher scores is sorting out your contemplating procedure. Planning your time may appear to be extreme from the start, however it will pay off. The principal thing you have to comprehend is that quality issues more than amount. That is the reason being engaged while examining is the way to spare time and show signs of improvement results. Set up a standard to kill your TV, telephone and prohibit some other diverting components when considering. Appears to be excessively exhausting? Perhaps. However, you will see, that time you spend on one task will be definitely diminished due to this basic yet compelling practice. The Pareto Principle Youve presumably found out about â€Å"80/20†guideline or the Pareto rule. It expresses that 80% of impacts originate from 20% of causes. How might you utilize this standard in your time the executives? Fundamentally, keep engaged and committed while concentrating as opposed to diverting on amusements. Reading without interruptions for one hour rises to 3 hours of concentrating with side exercises. It will expand your efficiency during considering time and assist you with arriving at better outcomes while investing less energy. Get Organized with Online Tools There are a lot of online apparatuses and applications for arranging your examining procedure in secondary school or school. For instance, there are numerous applications which permit you to utilize online calendars and notes, organizers, diaries, and stickers. It appears to be a pointless misuse of cash, yet they really help. Structure your own arranging framework that will be reasonable and advantageous to utilize. Keep all your talk notes in a single organizer and the entirety of your assignments in another envelope. Monitor the due dates and imprint them in your schedule †computerized or day by day organizer. Along these lines, you will have the option to see the measure of work and cutoff times which will assist you with managing your time. Check your organizer consistently and make notes if necessary. Defining objectives or smaller than normal assignments for a day and check every day achievements at night is likewise an amazing strategy. Tips from a genuine straight-An understudy: Dont neglect to set updates at your work area for the most dire assignments. Along these lines, you can concentrate on the assignments with up and coming cutoff times and viably deal with your time. Structure a Group to Study Together One of the most run of the mill study methods is concentrating in a gathering. Confronting troubles while getting your work done is anything but an uncommon thing. That is the reason its extraordinary to have somebody who can clarify you something you havent trapped in class. Explaining happened inconveniences is a lot simpler when you have somebody to hold your back. Concentrating in a gathering is exceptionally useful for chaotic understudies. It serves to: defeat sluggishness support inspiration get passing marks get in the correct state of mind for an investigation meeting Assemble your colleagues for doing schoolwork. You can meet at someones home or a cafã ©, online visit or video call. The best thoughts for the most part uncover in conversations. Think about: Studying in bunches isn't for anybody. You should attempt this strategy to make your own feeling about it. A few understudies feel their efficiency diminishes in a gathering, and its simpler for them to center when theyre alone. See whether you are one of them. Dont Let Studying Stress You Out Numerous understudies face this regular difficulty †stress. It messes wellbeing up and makes concentrating significantly harder. On the off chance that you need to succeed and turn into the highest point of the class, its basic not to let pressure deal with your life. Adapting to tension isn't the simplest activity, particularly during the finish of semester and finals. That is the reason we arranged a few hints for diminishing pressure while examining or taking tests. Interchange Studying and Rest Normal and still overlooked exhortation is having a 8-hour rest. Its urgent for your body and mind to have rest following a gainful day and extreme mental work. Numerous understudies like to gathering and rest from 4 to 5 hours, which prompts poor profitability, decreased center, and drowsiness. Additionally, it likewise prompts debilitating of the invulnerable framework, and one feels wiped out constantly. This isnt the most ideal approach to turn into a top understudy, isn't that so? Have a decent rest and let your mind rest as well. The unwinding methods you should attempt are: yoga and reflection rub tuning in to quieting music fragrance based treatment For whatever length of time that you keep your body solid and your mind clear and sharp†you can succeed and concentrate on your contemplating. Quit Procrastinating Do you will in general defer composing a paper or test planning? This exacerbates things even it. Being in a surge in view of forthcoming cutoff times causes significantly more pressure and tension. That is the reason keeping your assignments accumulating isn't the best choice. Arrangement: Attempt to finish one little errand consistently and break enormous assignments into little pieces and complete them individually. You will perceive that it is so beneficial to comprehend that you have a great deal of time ahead till your due date and half-accomplished work as of now. Plan in advance and track the entirety of your fragmented undertakings to ensure you dont miss any basic date or task. After you embrace these investigation propensities, you will see that pressure leaves. 3 Ps You may have found out about Cal Newport and his blog with splendid tips for better contemplating. He effectively composed book arrangement about his profession and understudy life, which you can deservedly add to your inspirational books list. One of his splendid tips is the 3 P approach which you should utilize when feeling like your cerebrum got away during tests and tests. It assists with avoiding tension and incorporates three stages: Arranging Continuing Editing Arranging The primary thing you do when you get your assignments is flipping through them. Make a snappy arrangement of noting request, beginning with simpler inquiries. Plan your time and make speedy notes of the key purposes of your answers. Continuing The subsequent stage is continuing responding to questions beginning with the most effortless ones. Along these lines, you will lessen the weight and deal with your time shrewdly, leaving sufficient opportunity to think on different subjects. It likewise assists with clearing your head and locate the correct answer. Editing The last advance is editing, and it takes around ten minutes. Right any errors and mindfully rehash your answers. Wrapping Up Rest soundly, deal with your time and keep your head up. Dont overlook that high evaluations are not the primary concern in your life. Keeping a parity in your life is basic. Consider that information you get is substantially more significant than your evaluations. Dont penance your social correspondence and wellbeing so as to get straight As.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Classes, a UN assistantship all in a semesters work for Ashleigh Montgomery, MIA 17 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Classes, a UN assistantship all in a semesters work for Ashleigh Montgomery, MIA 17 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog There are so many amazing opportunities for assistantships, internships, or other extra-curricular activities at SIPA. Many students will be elected to leadership positions with the various student-run groups at SIPA, work as Teaching Assistants, Program Assistants, or Departmental Research Assistants, or even have an internship during the semester. The classes at SIPA are often time-consuming, requiring a lot of work outside of class time to complete assignments, making it difficult to balance classwork with other responsibilities. It is not an easy task to manage both, so we thought it would be useful to get a student’s perspective on how to effectively manage your time if you choose to work in any capacity during the semester. Today we will highlight one of the many SIPA superstars that somehow find time to do it all. Ashleigh Montgomery is pursuing her Master of International Affairs degree at SIPA with a concentration in Human Rights and a specialization in Gender and Public Policy. During her first year at SIPA, Ashleigh worked as the Program Assistant for SIPA’s Day at the UN initiative under Professor Lindenmayer, who served as the Assistant Secretary-General to Kofi Annan. She is the Community Outreach Officer for the Human Rights Working Group and is a Board Member for the Women in Peace and Security Working Group. This past summer, Ashleigh spent 10 weeks as a Women, Peace, and Security intern with UN Women in Timor-Leste, where she worked on the National Action Plan for Women, Peace, and Security. As a grantee for the Womens International Leadership program at International House, she led a team that created a video, an exhibition, and a book that explores feminism in different cultural contexts. She was also awarded a Davis Projects for Peace grant to supervise Peacebuilding Workshops in Burundi this past summer, where she worked with local partner organizations to remotely project manage the workshops throughout Burundi. She has served as a volunteer for the non-profit Burundi Friends International (BFI) since 2014, and co-founded Women Vision Association, an organization working on women’s empowerment and English learning projects in Burundi. Before coming to SIPA Ashleigh worked at a group home for abused children, then served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Botswana, where she taught life skills at the local primary school. Ever busy, heres how she says she manages it all. This interview was lightly edited for brevity and/or clarity. Where did you work and what were your responsibilities? I was the Program Assistant for SIPA’s Day at the UN initiative, working under Professor Lindenmayer. Many students apply for the initiative and after review and selection of applications with Professor Lindenmayer, students are placed in one of their top three choices of UN departments. Students then shadow this department for 1-3 days, gaining an inside look at what it means to work at the UN. I coordinated each student’s visit, liaising among myself, Professor Lindenmayer, UN staff members, and the students. I then gathered all necessary follow-up documentation for each student’s visit. The initiative culminated in a panel I helped organize, in which the UN hosts and SIPA students shared their experiences with each other and with the initiative. Why did you decide to take on extra work during the semester? I wanted to work on something I believed in and was excited about. While I love learning (like nerdy sitting in the front of the classroom love), I am inspired by application outside of a classroom setting, which working on this initiative allowed me to do. One of the reasons I chose SIPA was because of its access to opportunities and proximity to the UN, and I really wanted to take advantage of this right from the start. Working on this initiative allowed me to build relationships with UN staff, and to connect other students with the UN. What were the challenges you faced working during the semester? For me, the workload was erratic. One week two UN departments would want to schedule student visits and the next week eight departments would. So my hours were never set and the time commitment was constantly in flux. As the visits were arranged around dates that worked for both the UN departments and the students, this was something that was out of my control. Of course, midterms, papers, and finals don’t shift just because you can’t anticipate your weekly workload, so the lack of control over my shifting hours was a challenge. Another challenge was that given the nature of UN work, there were many times when I went through the entire process of scheduling a student’s visit, only to have the UN staff go on mission or be called into an international meeting right before, thus forcing me to reschedule the visit. This happened several times, and there was one student who this kept happening to over and over! How did you overcome them? In many ways the lack of control over my schedule was just something I had to learn to deal with, as it wasn’t something I could change. Setting a schedule for myself in terms of what tasks needed to be done on which days of the week allowed me to create consistency and routine, which gave me a plan to stick to even when visits were shifted around last minute. What was the most rewarding part of working during the semester? One of the commitments asked of students participating in this initiative was to submit an account of their visit. Through these accounts and by speaking with students, I learned that some were offered internships and other possibilities because of the initiative. It was rewarding to read about their excitement about the various experiences they had (getting to sit in blue chairs in the Security Council, spending time on the 38th floor, where the Secretary-General’s office is, attending closed meetings they otherwise wouldn’t have attended, etc.) and to see what was demystified about working for the UN. Some students had dreams of working for the UN since childhood, so it was great to play a small role in them building relationships with UN staff. How did you juggle classwork and the assistantship? This might sound counter-intuitive, but I manage time better when I am involved in projects outside of just classwork. If I have ten hours to work on assignments, study, etc., chances are I will waste at least six of those hours and be productive for four (possibly even less). However, if I only have a two-hour gap in my day, I will be productive for the entire two hours, largely because if I waste the only time I have I won’t get anything done. What would you recommend to other students considering taking on an internship or assistantship during the semester? I would recommend that you have a clear vision of what you want to get out of your time at SIPA, and spend your time outside of the classroom pursuing this vision! Don’t take on an internship just to have an internship; make sure it aligns with your career aspirations, goals, and most importantly, with your passion. It is definitely manageable to do both during the semester but it will be challenging and there will be a time you question things like your sanity. This is normal for SIPA so embrace it! I would also recommend taking time to reflect on your successes and what you could have done better once the semester is over. Professor Lindenmayer asked me to share with her how many email exchanges I had during the initiative, and it was heartening to have concrete evidence of all the work I had put in! [Photo courtesy of Ashleigh Montgomery, MIA 2017]
Friday, May 22, 2020
Molecular Formula Definition - Chemistry Glossary
Molecular Formula Definition: An expression which states the number and type of atoms present in a molecule of a substance. Examples: There are 6 C atoms and 14 H atoms in a hexane molecule, which has a molecular formula of C6H14.
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Xerox Corporation s History - 1633 Words
Introduction The Xerox Corporation’s history, however, is not perfect. In 2002, they were fined $10 million for inflating revenue and profits from 1997 to 2000 by including future payments on existing products (Xerox). They were using various â€Å"topside accounting devices,†to manipulate their equipment revenues and earnings (KPMG). They would record leases of products to customers as sales in order to increase their revenue. The auditing firm used by Xerox was KPMG. KPMG is a global accounting and auditing company and is also recognized as part of the Big Four along with Deloitte, Ernst Young, and PricewaterhouseCoopers ( They allowed Xerox to close a $3 billion â€Å"gap†between their actual operating results†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile, senior level management personnel received over $5 million in performance based compensation as well as over $30 million in profits from the sale of what was at the time overvalued stock (XEROX CORPORATION). Xerox’s accounting manipulations were carefully and intentionally executed in an attempt to conceal them from being detected. The corporation’s executives knowingly directed management to perform two main manipulative accounting procedures and actively covered their tracks. They were inappropriately storing revenue off the books, and then conveniently releasing the stored funds at pivotal times in order to increase sluggish or slow earning periods. This is a common practice and it is speculated that many major corporations used these booking techniques at times as well. The company was also accelerating revenues from short-term equipment rentals, which were being described as longer term leases. The variance was noteworthy for according to GAAP, the entire value of a long-term lease should be included in the revenue in the first year. But instead, the value of these rentals was spread throughout the duration of the leases (XEROX CORPORATION). Xerox’s manipulations directly affected the economyShow MoreRelatedEssay about Big City Trust Company UP1174 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Problem After assessing the Financial Statements of Xerox Corporation and Polaroid Corporation, is Big City Trust Company going to finance and invest to Auto-Drive Company’s latest product? Will Auto-Drive Company be able to penetrate the market and make an outstanding revenue similar to Xerox Corporation and Polaroid Corporation? Company Background Auto Drive Company Auto-Drive Company is developing Auto-drive- an auto pilot technology installed in cars which makes it impossible for the carRead MoreMy Experience At Ceo And What She Is It Through Hard Work And High Performance1418 Words  | 6 Pagesand CEO of Xerox (Byrnes and Crockett, 2009). These previous words by Ursula Burns display her resilience to prove her worth to the business world, regardless of her gender and the color of her skin. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Communication Is Important in a School Setting Free Essays
How communication supports positive relationships. Communication is the process of establishing meaningful relationships among human beings. Part of communication is used to share information, thoughts and feelings between each other. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Communication Is Important in a School Setting or any similar topic only for you Order Now Effective communication ensures whether the transmitted contents are received and understood by someone in the way they were intended. Also the common goal of effective communication includes creating a general perception, changing behaviours and acquiring correct information. Many people think that communication is easy. It is not just about talking. There are many other things involved with effective communication such as gesture, proper body language, expressions and listening. Communication should not only be mistaken for information sharing only. Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults in all walks of life and at any age whether it be with relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues, associates or even total strangers. Also, effective language skills are essential for children to access the curriculum. Effective communication in a school is capable to facilitate talent, creative thinking, a change in attitude etc. It is extremely important that pupils learn the value of team work and co-operation from the early stages of their lives. A school is a place where the pupils learn that they have to communicate with other fellow pupils to get work done. It is in the school that the students learn that their ideas, opinions and efforts are valued and that they are active members of the society. Effective communicators must be able to look at things from different perspectives. This enables you to see things from a different view point, helping to build trust and show respect for another person’s feelings on a situation. It also shows that you are interested in what someone has to say and will listen without judgement to both sides of a story. If someone feels they can come and talk with ease and without barriers self-esteem is greatly improved and can lead to more positive relationships with children, staff and parents. Principles of relationship building. Maintaining a good line of communication in school is important for students, arents and the staff. There are several reasons why it is important for school staff to communicate well with each other Good lines of communication. In schools the Head-teachers , teachers, support staff and pupils must all be consistently involved in the process of effective communication. Effective communication has everything to do with constructing a positive school environment. The principles of relationship buildi ng with children, young people and adults can be put down to the dispositions and attitudes of the people that the relationship is between. Relationships of any kind are best built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect if it is to develop into a healthy one. A calm disposition is required especially when dealing with behavioural issues conflicts or disagreements. It is important to be open and approachable so that whenever you interact with someone, they feel at ease, valued and secure. Teamwork plays a big part in showing that whatever the problem everyone understands that there are mutually agreed lines of communication whether it be with children, staff or parents. Positive relationships are built not made and everyone has something different they can contribute. A school is a learning-rich environment, and every member of the school is expected to communicate effectively and contribute to building relationships and show good interpersonal skills. Good communication is also important because it helps to build positive relationships. When clear expectations and boundaries are established and you make your point as plainly and as simply as possible then that leaves no room for interpretation and this creates a positive learning or working environment. In an environment such as this, healthy relationships can be nurtured between anybody. How to cite Why Communication Is Important in a School Setting, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Misfit and the Miss-Fit free essay sample
The Misfit and the â€Å"Miss-Fit†Flannery O’Connor is an author who has written a score of short stories; however the author is remembered for one story in particular. The story revolved around a family that had problems just like any other normal family. This family’s problem was respecting each other and communication. The Family is taking a vacation to Florida when a longing for a stroll down memory lane hits the grandmother, who wants to see a house she had been to before. As the family approaches its destination, an accident takes place that leaves the family stranded on a dirt road where they meet the Misfit, an escaped convict from prison. The misfit would have helped the family out in getting the car working again, but the grandmother had to say Youre The Misfit! I recognized you at once!  getting the whole family massacred because the Misfit could not have any witnesses able to report a location of his whereabouts. We will write a custom essay sample on The Misfit and the Miss-Fit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although this story sounds straightforward, there are some ironic twists discovering who the real Misfit of this story is for example. In O’Connor’s short story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, O’Connor writes to depict the true â€Å"miss-fit†in the story to be the grandmother. Red Sammy and his wife were symbolic of the best of mankind. The couple was the epitome of what normal citizens would call good-natured people. Red Sammy gave assistance to a couple of gentlemen that needed gas. When the guys told Sammy a bit about themselves, Sammy gave them a helping hand, and generously offered to give them gas on credit. The gentlemen stiffed Sammy the money they owed him and gave indecency in return. The grand-mother, Red Sammy, and his wife discuss the evil nature of the times and decide that, although they themselves may be good people, ‘a good man is hard to find. ’(OConnors Short Stories: Summary and Analysis:  On top of being a very generous man, Sammy also symbolized a sort of warning for the family. â€Å"I felt Red Sammy represented a type of prophet in the story, speaki ng to the Grandmother directly about how trust was becoming dissolute †¦ All the talk of dishonest people is extremely ironic since the family gets into an accident and find out that help was found in none other than the Misfit and a couple of other convicts. In A Good Man is Hard to find, Bailey and his wife were not the two most powerful people in this story, they are very easy to manipulate and they let people walk all over them. They did not even have a large role to play in the story. Their characters were put in the story to build suspense during the conversation between the Misfit and the grandmother. This build up let the readers feel like the grandmother may have a chance to be spared. Its not far from here, I know, the grandmother said. It wouldnt take over twenty minutes. Bailey was looking straight ahead. His jaw was as rigid as a horseshoe. No, he said (O’Connor, Flannery  ¶48-49). This man is letting his kids behave like little brats allowing them to scream and yell for far too long before he whips the car to the side of the road to yell at the kids to shut up. Although the parents may have been incompetent in raising their children they, like their infant child, should not have had to suffer their fate. The children in the story, although obnoxious and completely disrespectful to all the characters, also play a role that is inherent behavior to most kids. Kids have mostly acted with bad manners and disrespect in the past because the lesson has not been learned that respect is essential to living in society. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach the meaning of respect and general manners to children. June Star, the daughter of Bailey and the mother, is a downright disrespectful little brat that needs to be taught the most about manners and appropriate comments to strangers. The girl has no boundaries in place because it is obvious the parents do not have a discipline routine, and the parents just get rolled over by the children. â€Å"Though shes cute, shes just plain nasty to everybody, as learned pretty early on in the story from the way she treats her grandmother John Wesley, the son of Bailey and the mother, is similar to June Star however not as ruthless a character. This is because between the Grandmother and June there is little time to be on the same playing field in respect to cold-heartedness. The baby is by far the most innocent character in the story. This is because the baby is still a newborn that does not have the brain development to act based on its current knowledge. â€Å"The babys sleeping when its shot†¦its the easiest member of the family for whom we feel sorry. This is because the baby never even had a chance and died all because the Grandmother made an idiotic comment to a convicted felon ensuring the family’s fate. The Misfit and his posse are a small group of outlaws who broke out of jail and are attempting to remain hidden from the authorities.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Questions to Ask in a Grad School Admissions Interview
Questions to Ask in a Grad School Admissions Interview An invitation to interview at the graduate program of your choice is an amazing opportunity to let the graduate committee get to know you - but the purpose of the grad school admissions interview is also for you to learn about the graduate program. All too often applicants forget that they too are conducting an interview. Take advantage of the opportunity an admissions interview offers you good questions that will gather the information that you need to determine if this is the right program for you. Remember that you are interviewing the graduate program - you must choose the program that is right for you. Asking good questions not only tells you what you need to know about a graduate program, but it tells the admissions committee that you are serious. Good, genuine, questions can impress admissions committees. Questions to Ask During a Graduate Admissions Interview What characteristics are specific to this program and distinguish it from competitors? (Be sure to refer to specific characteristics)Where are recent alumni employed? What do most students do after graduation?What types of financial aid are offered? What criteria are used for choosing recipients?Are there any scholarships or fellowships available? How do I apply?Are there teaching opportunities, such as teaching assistantships and adjunct positions?Do most students publish an article or present a paper before graduation?What applied experiences are included in the program (e.g., internships)? Ask for examples of internship placements.What is the relative importance of admissions test scores, undergraduate grades, recommendations, admissions essays, experience, and other requirements?Does the department prefer applicants immediately out of undergraduate programs or do they prefer applicants with work experience? If they prefer or require experience, what kind of experience are they lo oking for? How are mentoring and advising relationships established? Are advisors assigned?How long do most students take to graduate? How many years of coursework? How long do most students take to complete their dissertations?Do most students live near campus? What is it like to live in this area as a graduate student?How closely do students work with faculty? Is it common for students and faculty to publish together?How long does the average student take to complete a dissertation, roughly?How is the dissertation process structured? Are committee members assigned?
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
The Major Laws of Chemistry
The Major Laws of Chemistry Navigating the world of chemistry is much easier once youve got an understanding of the fields basic laws. The most important ones briefly summarized below, describe the foundational concepts and principles of chemistry. Avogadros LawEqual volumes of gases under identical temperature and pressure conditions will contain equal numbers of particles (atoms, ions, molecules, electrons, etc.). Boyles LawAt a constant temperature, the volume of a confined gas is inversely proportional to the pressure to which the gas is subjected: PV k Charles LawAt a constant pressure, the volume of a confined gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature in Kelvin: V kT Combining VolumesRefer to Gay-Lussacs Law. Conservation of EnergyEnergy can be neither created nor destroyed; the energy of the universe is constant. This is the First Law of Thermodynamics. Conservation of MassMatter can be neither created nor destroyed, though it can be rearranged. Mass remains constant in an ordinary chemical change. This principle is also known as conservation of matter. Daltons LawThe pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases. Definite CompositionA compound is composed of two or more elements chemically combined in a defined ratio by weight. Dulong–Petit LawMost metals require 6.2 calories of heat in order to raise the temperature of one gram-atomic mass of metal by one degree Celsius. Faradays LawThe weight of any element liberated during electrolysis is proportional to the quantity of electricity passing through the cell and also to the equivalent weight of the element. First Law of ThermodynamicsThe total energy of the universe is constant and can be neither created nor destroyed. This law is also known as conservation of energy. Gay-Lussacs LawThe ratio between the combining volumes of gases and the product (if gaseous) can be expressed in small whole numbers. Grahams LawThe rate of diffusion or effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular mass. Henrys LawThe solubility of a gas (unless it is highly soluble) is directly proportional to the pressure applied to the gas. Ideal Gas LawThe state of an ideal gas is determined by its pressure, volume, and temperature according to the equation: PV nRT where P is the absolute pressure, V is the volume of the vessel, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin. Multiple ProportionsWhen elements combine, they do so in the ratio of small whole numbers. The mass of one element combines with the fixed mass of another element according to certain ratios. Periodic LawThe chemical properties of the elements vary periodically according to their atomic numbers. Second Law of ThermodynamicsEntropy increases over time. Another way of stating this law is to say that heat cannot flow, on its own, from an area of cold to an area of hot.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a Wind Power Production Research Paper
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a Wind Power Production Project in Turkana Area of Kenya; East Africa - Research Paper Example The project under consideration will constitute a wind farm situated at the South Eastern end of Lake Turkana. This area is mostly uninhabited, rocky and arid desert area. The geographical conditions are unique with daily temperature fluctuations generating strong, predictable wind streams between Lake Turkana and the desert hinterland. Although there is no significant source of water, power or coal, the area can be termed as an enormous natural heat engine. This is due to the wind circulation system coming as a result of the difference in temperatures of the sun-baked land region and the cooler waters of the lake. The heating of the land air causes rising of hot air, which is promptly replaced by the cool air from the Lake blowing as wind throughout the area until it cools down. Contrary to what happens in the oilfield where depletion occurs, the blowing goes on as long as the as the sun shines. The projected area effectively acts as a funnel whereby the wind streams are accelerated to speed up to 15m/s. This ascertains the positivity of the resource to driving turbines for power production. The power deficit in Kenya is a serious problem and the production of electric energy using wind, will boost the production to high. The modelling done estimates that wind power installation with capacities of close to 300 megawatts would be required to increase the power production by 20%. The wind farm will include 365 V53 turbines with hub heights of 44 meters to produce clean electricity into the national grid system. 1.2. Project Timelines The project under consideration is scheduled to take five years to completion though in three phases. The first phase of two years will incorporate ground work and research findings on the viability of this project in the Turkwel region, followed by installation phase of two years, which also see the pre trial use being done. The last one year phase will be the commissioning stage. Timescale of change Environmental Parameter Geologi cal aspect Will not change and will remain stable. Can be more than 50 years Favorable air replenishment and cut down on GHGs. Varies seasonally The population of migratory bird from Lake Turkana will be affected to the south Eastern side. 1.3. Project Location The Lake Turkana project will constitute a wind farm situated 8 Km South East of Lake Turkana in Marsabit County Loyiangalani district of Kenya. The exact position of the proposed plant is between two mount ranges; Southwest of Mt Kulal and Northeast of Mt. Nyiru. The Map Showing the location of the project is exhibited in Annex 1. 1.3.1. Soil Capacity The area has basically a clay based soil meaning the area is more alkaline with the surrounding rocks being predominantly volcanic. The area has undergone tremendous natural degradation in form soil erosion. The soil in the area has been affected by the overgrazing of the pastoralists communities. Lack of vegetation and cutting down of the few trees and shrubs make the area pro ne to soil destruction processes. The construction of the project will result into increased soil erosion during installation of turbines and road construction. This combined with strong winds and occasional rains may lead to acute and chronic erosions. 1.3.2. Ground Water The area consists of efficient aquifers of ground waters that can be utilised for the construction purposes. This is through the drilling of boreholes and provides sufficient project water and avoids competition with the locals. After construction, the extra boreholes will be made available to the local communities. 1.3.3. Surface Water The water quantity and quality is a critical issue and its availability in the project area, is generally low and constitutes one of the major challenges in the region. The
Sunday, February 2, 2020
History of Education In America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
History of Education In America - Essay Example This division of labor has increased to a point that many people no longer know how to find or process their own foods, and just buy what they need. Despite this there is "cultural lag" (pg. 13) that shows a maladjustment by some parts of society in their educational institutions when changes in technology, for instance, occur. The more conservative and traditional sectors "lag" at these times, unwilling or unable to keep up. There are also problems with misconceptions that arise from misinformation. This type of "lag" can cause people to accept "factual" evidence that is later found to be untrue. (pg 13). The concept that there is empty "space" between the particles of an atom is being rejected by those who study physics today. However, the original concept will remain part of current curriculums until some time in the future, as will many other revised facts. Personal and societal values enter into every culture's form of education, even though they are constantly changing also, according to Ralph Linton, anthropologist. Many communities reject alternate thinking about religions, lifestyles, politics, etc. Today's core values, in America, are considered small by contrast to previous eras due to the complexity of this society. Instead of a predominant religion presiding over a community's affairs, for instance, a quorum has to be considered in order to enact laws that reflect the moral standards - such as those against killing others. So, too, are the opinions of many factions considered by educational institutions before deciding how they will proceed. The subject of corporeal punishment in schools is one that people used to regard as the school's choice but is now considered undesirable, for... The researcher of this essay aims to present an overview of the book by John D. Pulliam and James Van Patten, History of Education in America. From the early Greek teachings to education of modern times, school has been an important facet of any civilized culture. Today’s societal demands are numerous and multicultural as the people of the world get deeper into globalization. To compete in the workplace, to succeed, and to influence the future requires an increasingly complex form of education. Relatively speaking, it has always been this way as cultures of the world have had to interact socially and economically. The better one’s education, the more likely they were to do well in business, and the more opportunities they would have. But in this electronic society of high technology, fast communications and carbon-dating systems, education is a necessity of life, not just an employment tool or a way of achieving status. The solutions of the future will depend on the edu cation of today’s students. Teachers must be able to adapt also and know what the relationships of educational institutions are to society. The â€Å"New Century†finds schools using more standardized measurements of a student’s progress, and state-run data tracking. There is a need for schools to be run more professionally and efficiently. Competing in the world market is requiring a return to bilingualism that has been common in Europe and many other countries. As more of the world becomes democratic, the schools will reflect the values of a democratic society.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Global financial crisis impact on Egypt
Global financial crisis impact on Egypt The world economy is currently going through a serious financial disturbance that sparked off in the United States and has spread to Europe and the rest of the world. The crisis has already led to the collapse of powerful banks and firms as well as to recession in several countries, some consider such consequences as just the tip of the iceberg and that the worst is yet to come. This paper aims to study the current global financial crisis and its impact on Egypt. To do so, it first presents an overview of the causes and consequences of the current instability, followed by an assessment of the depth of the crisis and its implications on the Egyptian economy, the paper highlights the actions taken by the Egyptian government to cope with the effects of the crisis on the Egyptian economy. Outline Introduction Literature Review The Nature of The Financial Crisis The starting of the financial crisis Spreading of financial crisis Effect of The Crisis The effect on USA The effect on Europe The Effect on Asia The policies taken to overcome the financial crisis in different countries In USA In Europe In Asia The impact on the Egyptian economy When did the crisis started to effect the Egyptian economy and which sector started first Financial sector Balance of payment State budget The polices undertaken to overcome the financial crisis in Egypt Increase the government expenditure Decrease custom duties and tariffs Decrease taxes affecting investment Increase expenditure on public good Encourage Egyptian entrepreneurs Conclusion References Introduction: On the border of bankruptcy many giant investment banks and insurance companies around the globe are losing severely to the stock markets till there was no more liquid money available to finance business activities all due to the Financial Crisis, which is the most grave since the Great Depression in the 1930s. In 2008-2009, much of the industrialized world entered into a deep recession due to a financial crisis that had its origin in unprofessional lending practices involving the origination and distribution of mortgage debt in USA. Egypt was not far from this crisis, during the second half of 2008, the financial crises effects start to appear in the Egyptian economy in many fields. This global financial crisis led to slowdown the Egyptian economy due to the global economic recession; Economists expected a decline in the GDP growth rate during 2009, also trade will be affected badly. Due to the globalization; Egyptian stock market was affected by the decrease in price per share of the companies that participate in the Egyptian stock market, which affected the investors badly because of huge transactions of selling the shares by the foreign share holder The Egyptian economists expected a decrease GDP, which lead to problem in financing of some projects. Due to the balance of payment deficit, the Government initiated broadcast tranquility in the hearts of investors, to clarify the steps of successful growth within the economic reform program in previous years. All this factors lead to some expectations; first a sharp decrease in Egyptian exports, foreign investments, Suez Canal and Tourism revenues. The Egyptian government has taken some steps to face this crisis on the Egyptian economy, such as increasing the government expenditure by 15 billion LE, especially for financing new infrastructure projects. The Government also decreased the taxes and trade barriers to motivate local and foreign investors to invest in Egypt. But what are the causes of this crisis? And when did it really start? What actions taken to withstand this crisis? How is it going to affect developing countries? We will try to clarify these issues in a simplified manner, by concentrating on Egypt as a developing country. The global financial crisis Economists started to anticipate a vigorous financial crisis that would strike the American economy during Ronald Regan presidency, who could be known as one of the prophets and defenders of capitalism, in which he avoided using the methods proposed by the Keynesian school of thought, replacing them with Von Hayeks free market mechanism, by leaving everything to the market with minimum government intervention, and by saying everything we also include the banking sector, that had been imposed to intense forms of deregulation. (Foley, 2007) Regans regime could be considered as the early development of this financial bubble that is erupting right now, after George W. Bush has accelerated it by promising his voters that he will fulfill the American Dream of owning a house, so he gave credit unions, investment banks, and other financial institutions the absolute freedom to give out loans at high rates, these loans had various names such as credit default swaps and subprime mortgages. (Lendman) Subprime mortgages are new instruments in the financial sector that are manifested to make home ownership chances available to borrowers in the US, not following the traditional rules and regulations investment banks gave those subprime loans, that could also be known as Ninja loans, to borrowers that have; low incomes, no assets, no constant job, limited disposable incomes, and bad credit history. These subprime mortgages are not only considered risky because of the borrowers but also because they are set out on variable interest rates, which will make the monthly payments, paid by the borrowers to vary in monthly basis making it impossible for them to continue on paying their installments. (BLACKBURN) Financial institutions were giving the credit of these subprime mortgages assuming that property prices shall not stop appreciating in its value. Putting in mind that some borrowers could fail to pay, the banks believed that generally the market would be in its favor. As the prices of housing market started to cool down, leaving the banks with greatly undervalued assets, due to the rising rates of the money market. The banks that issued these subprime mortgages initially, did not actually record them on their balance sheets, instead they packaged them with prime mortgages and a spectrum of other assets, into a mortgage baked security MBS, to be traded in the market. The setback was that assets with dissimilar risk profiles were sold together and on the other hand received an AAA grading, making them appealing to global investors especially Europeans, causing the crisis to spread out internationally. (BLACKBURN) And when these subprime borrowers were no more able to repay their mortgages, the issuing institution needed to finance the foreclosure with their own money, bringing the asset back on the balance sheet. This left many banks in a financially unviable situation, in a rather short, unmanageable timeframe. And, the fact that nobody knew how much more of those MBS would return on their balance sheets, banks effectively stopped lending to each other, drying up liquidity substantially, both in the US and in Europe. (McGirr, 2008) The United States GDP decreased at an annual rate of approximately 6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 and first quarter of 2009, versus activity in the year ago periods. The U.S. unemployment rate increased to 10.2% by October 2009, the highest rate since 1983 and roughly twice the pre crisis rate. The average hours per work week declined to 33, the lowest level since the government began collecting the data in 1964. (Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Corporate Profits) The European Union GDP decreased by 2.1% from the years 2007 to 2008, which in 2008 the GDP reached 0.9 %, the unemployment rate has increased from 7.2% to 8.5 % in the years from 2007 to 2009, the exports have increased from 1.33 trillion to 1.95 trillion dollars, and the imports have increased from 1.46 trillion to 1.69 trillion dollars, the inflation rate have increased from 1.8% to 3% from 2006 to 2008. (book) Asias GDP decreased by 0.9% from the years 2008 to 2009, which in 2008 the GDP reached 7.6%, the unemployment rate has increased from 7.4%to 7.7%in the years from 2008 to 2009, and the exports have decreased from 49% to 35% of the GDP from the year 2007 to 2008, the imports have decreased from 40 % to 29% of the GDP from the year 2007 to 2008, the inflation rate have increased from 6% to 7.9% from the year 2007 to 2008. (Economics and Statistics) Policy responses: in USA To stabilize the financial system, more regulations from the central bank and control on banks, banks Competition should be eliminated like decrease interest rates to increase investment, decrease taxes, to increase investment and productivity and Increase government spending to increase aggregate demand, to increase production, to decrease unemployment. The Federal Reserves decreased the fed funds rates after January 1st in 2008. (Late 2000s recession) President George bush proposed to the government to purchase up to $700 billion troubled mortgage-related assets from financial firms in hopes of improving confidence. The first half of the money was used to buy preferred stick in banks instead of troubled mortgage assets. (Late 2000s recession) In January 2009, the American recovery and reinvestments act of 2009 signed by president Obama to provide a stimulus to the U.S. economy in the wake of the economic downturn.(Late 2000s recession) The act includes federal tax cuts, expansion of unemployment benefits and domestic spending in education, healthcare and infrastructure. Also, tax cuts led to increase in investment and decrease in unemployment (expansionary fiscal policy).(Late 2000s recession) The Federal Reserves facilitated lending to banks by lowering the discount rate to increase liquidity in banks. (Late 2000s recession) Part of an effort to increase dollar liquidity around the world the fed coordinated with other central banks to land simultaneously financial institutions (banks) with it cannot lend directly.(Late 2000s recession) Asia-pacific policy responses On September 15th 2008, china cuts its interest rates for the first time since 2002 and Government spending plan to invest $586 billion in infrastructure and social welfare by the end of 2010. (Late 2000s recession) The increase in investment will be in housing, rural infrastructure, health and education, environment, industry, tax cuts. Therefore unemployment will decrease and economic growth will increase and GDP will increase ( as its exports to Europe and USA decrease) so china decrease its interest rates to increase investment , to increase aggregate demand (Late 2000s recession) Indonesia reduced its discounts rate at which commercial banks can borrow funds for the central bank, on the other hand the reserve bank of Australia injected $1.5 billion dollars into the banking system, meanwhile the reserve bank of India injected almost 1.3 billion, and bank of Japan pumped $29.3 billion in the financial system on the 16th of September 2008. (Late 2000s recession) European policy responses: From September, the European commission proposed a 200 billion Euros stimulus plan to be implemented at the European level by the countries and each country got its plan to increase money supply and liquidity. (Late 2000s recession) The impact of the global financial crisis on the Egyptian economy During the last two decades Egypt has implemented an economic reform program (ERSAP); this program targets to stabilize the Egyptian economy and achieving a high gross rate. The implementation of this program increased the gross rate to reach 5.9% in 1999/2000 compared to 1.9% in 1991/1992. (Ramadan, 2009) Effects of The reform have started to appear strongly during the last five years, where the unemployment rate falls from 11.2 % in 2004/2005 to 8.4 % in 2007/2008. Also the foreign direct investment recorded 13.2 billion dollar which represent 81% of the GDP during 2007/2008 compared to 400 million dollar in 2003/2004 which represent 0.5% of the GDP. Egypt succeeded in implementing the right policies to achieve its target where the GDP in Egypt achieved a high growth rates during the last period amounted to 6.8%, 7.1% and 7.2% during the years 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008. (Ramadan, 2009) But during the second half of 2008, the financial crises effects started to appear in the Egyptian economy in many fields. This global financial crisis led to slowdown the Egyptian economy due to the global economic recession; Economists expected a decline in the GDP growth rate during 2009 to reach 4%. Also trade will be affected badly since 75% of Egyptian GDP is from trade divided as follows; about 32% of our exports go to the United States and 32.5% of imports come from United States and the European Union. Economists also expected a sharp decrease in foreign investment, where the two thirds of foreign investment in Egypt during the past two years were from America and Europe. (Abouhbaishe, 2008) Ministry of Economic Development expects that the net losses resulting from the crisis will be more than 4 billion dollars during 2008/2009. While the most affected sectors will be the industrial sector. Due to the decrease in demand on the products, factories will reduce their production, which reduces the purchasing power of the per capita, leading to stagnation in the market. (Abouhbaishe, 2008) Egyptian budget will be affected negatively due to several reasons during 2009. First the oil balance will decrease by one billion dollars because the oil prices fell from $ 147 per barrel to 39.5 dollars per barrel, second reason is the sharp decrease in remittances from Egyptians abroad by $ 600 million and the third reason is the decline in tourism revenues by more than 2 billion dollars, which negatively affected all economic activities associated with tourism (Construction Furniture food industries etc). (Abouhbaishe, 2008) The impact of financial crisis on the Egyptian banking system is limited for several reasons; The integration of the Egyptian financial sector in the global financial system is still limited and the Egyptian banking system did not strongly integrated into the global system. Also the central bank adopted the Egyptian plan for reforming the banking system during the period 2004-2008, which encouraged mergers to create strong banking entities. The controls established by the central bank of Egypt for crediting and lending value to ensure liquidity. Also the Banks investments in securities and in mortgage finance were limited, by a percentage not exceeding 5% of the total loan portfolio of the bank. (Abouhbaishe, 2008) The Egyptian government has taken some steps to face this crisis on the Egyptian economy, such as increasing the government expenditure by 15 billion LE, especially for financing new infrastructure projects. The Government also decreased the taxes and trade barriers to motivate local and foreign investors to invest in Egypt. The central bank adopted some polices, which is strengthening of bank supervision, restructuring, and a cleanup of nonperforming loans to protect the financial system in Egypt. Although actions taken by the government to absorb the crises did not show any results, but this was the best way to take for a small developing country like Egypt. Finally Egypt still has some big economic problems that will continue to suffer from in the next several years. (Ramadan, 2009)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Ethical considerations Essay
Deception; the participants were not aware that they were taking part in a psychological study about memory until after the study had taken place in order to reduce the risk of bias in the experiment. Afterwards they were informed and were given the opportunity to withdraw their responses without prejudice. They were told that no names would be recorded and that confidentiality was assured of their result. Another risk would be if people then realised the experiment tested memory they could think it was to do with intelligence and worry that they would be judged as stupid’ if they did not remember many words. This could cause psychological distress to that person and might confirm personal fears of insecurity causing further damage. This could be controlled by warning the participant what the study was going to be about before they did it so if they felt embarrassed or worried about their result they could make a more informed decision not to take part. Results This table shows how many words were recalled by each participant. It shows that the mean average number of words recalled in Condition A was 15.08; 1.59 less than condition B at 16.67. It also allows us to see that 2/3 of the participants recalled more words with classical music playing than they did in silence. Summary table to show the number of words recalled by each participant in condition A and. Condition B This bar chart shows condition A results in red and condition B in green. From this we can see that both the highest and lowest numbers of words recalled were in condition B. This bar chart clearly demonstrates the difference between condition A and B to vary greatly throughout the experiment. This pie chart shows the difference between the average scores to be quite insignificant as there is only a 5 % difference which means that although most of the numbers of words recalled did increase from condition a to condition b there was not a big difference when taking into account what their scores actually were and working out the average. I also deduced the range to be 12 for condition A, the lowest/ highest values being 8 and 20, and 17 for condition B, the lowest/ highest values being 7 and 24. The median, however, for both was the same at 16.5. This means there was a wider spread list of values for condition B therefore more variation in how many words people remembered than in condition A. However the descriptive statistics used above only describe what has been found. In order to suggest the probability of achieving the scores that we did, an inferential sign test was used. A sign test was used as the experimental design was a repeated measures design and the data collected was nominal. When we applied our raw data to the sign test analysis a sign value of 4 was achieved. As this exceeds the critical value of 2, for 12 participants, we can suggest that the raw data achieved is more than 5% due to chance factors and less than 95% due to the manipulation of the independent variable which means our original hypothesis is only partially supported. Discussion From the results obtained in this experiment, we can suggest that our one tailed experimental hypothesis of ‘playing classical music during a memory test will increase the number of words remembered’, is only partially supported, in that only 2/3 (66.67%) of participants recall improved when tested with classical music. This was not found to achieve a significant level of probability < 0.05, which means that recall was not 95% or more due to the manipulation of the independent variable i.e. whether or not classical music was playing in the background. Therefore on this occasion we must accept our null hypothesis of ‘there will be no significant relationship between whether or not music is played in the background and how many words the participants remember’ as there was not a high enough probability to suggest that the variation in number of words recalled was a direct effect of the manipulation of the independent variable. In our experiment we found that classical music did improve performance of memory as 2/3 of the participants recall improved. This disagrees with the findings of Cohen whose study suggested that participants who were exposed to background noise were cognitively impaired. Our experiment was similar to Cohen’s in that it tested the effect of environmental stimulants on recall ability. Cohen, however, tested the participants under exposure to aircraft noise which is much louder and more distracting than a relaxing piece of music such as Mozart. Our findings, therefore, may be more appropriately compared to the findings of Dr. George Lozanov. Lozanov designed a way to teach foreign languages to children in a fraction of the learning time. He did this by teaching whilst using certain 60 beats per minute Baroque music and found that his students had a retention rate of 92% and an accuracy of 85- 100% after only thirty days. The findings of which reflect our own in that he used classical music, with the typical 60 beat per minute pattern, to improve performance of memory in the recollection of vocabulary in foreign languages. However, the percentage of improvement in his experiment was 92%, whereas ours was only 66.67% and therefore shows that his experiment was more accurate than our own However, as our participants were young adults and not children, as in the above, direct and reliable comparisons may not be fully appropriate. This could be due to wider social influences upon adults in relation to children for example a young adult would understand the instructions better and therefore might feel under more pressure to perform than a child. This could have adverse effects and make their performance worse or make them try harder than a child would. Due to this ignorance on the child’s behalf, an experiment involving children is often more natural. Also, differences in procedure and experimental design may have led to the difference in findings. For example Lozanov choose to teach foreign languages to children and it has been proven that children have a higher capacity than adults for learning language, as they are not as set in speaking their own language as an adult is. The differences found may have related to this factor and so had an effect upon the data that we achieved. If my experiment had been carried out on children instead I think I would have gotten more positive results due to the above reasons. Other limitations include our choice of method; an experiment is not a natural setting as participants would feel pressurised by the fact that their results were being analysed and might have not been able to concentrate on recalling the words. An improvement could have been a test administered by a normal teacher in a classroom environment, where students would be more used to getting a test and might be more relaxed. This would be unethical, however as it is deceptive. The repeated measures design used meant that the list of words in the second experiment had to be changed because the same participants had seen it in the first experiment and therefore might recall more words after looking at it for a second time. This would have meant the results were inaccurate therefore another list of words was devised. This could however have caused even more problems because, although care was taken not to use more confusing or longer words from one list to another, the experiment was not standardised and therefore direct comparisons could not be made. A matched pairs design would have allowed comparisons to be made between the lists, but not as accurately between the participants, as every participant will be different. The opportunity based sample that I used meant that there weren’t an equal number of males and females, therefore it wasn’t representative. A better sampling technique would be to use stratified sampling, in which equal numbers of the same sex can be selected. If the target population was larger, the sample would have been more representative but we needed to use similarly aged participants, as there would have been difference in recall ability between, for example, a four and an eighteen year old. Using people from our own class could have interfered with the result because the participants knew who they were doing the experiment for and could be biased to the experimenter. Also, I think that using younger participants would have given a more natural element to the experiment, as they would not ask too many questions, worry about the results or interfere as much with the experiment by not trying their best. The participants did not seem to be confused by the standardised instructions but they might not have been clear on why they were doing the experiment, which could have had an effect on their performance. The participants were also talked through the experiment as we carried it out and everything was plainly stated to them. A better way of presentation of the words however, might have been to present them on an over head projector, so that timing could be controlled better; in our experiment, participants were in control of turning over the sheet of paper with the list on and therefore could have turned it over before the test started. The paper was only one sheet thick as well so participants might have been able to see the words even when the sheet was face down. To expand the experiment further, there are many different variables and different aspects of memory which I could test. The serial position effect, mentioned in my introduction, would be an interesting aspect of memory to test as I noticed in the lists of words there were a significant number of words from the start and the end of the actual list, included in the words the participants remembered. We could test this by setting a quota at, say, the first five and last five words and seeing what percentage of the recalled words were within one of these quotas. We could have used a recording of background noise to repeat Cohen’s experiment or used music with words to test the participants. A really interesting experiment would be to use children against adults in a memory test with the classical music, as I believe children would give a more positive result in relation to my hypothesis. I don’t believe that there would be a significant difference between males and females, if any, but it would be worth considering. We could have tested different amounts of words see if there is a difference in capacity of recall between a list of one hundred words and thirty words; would the participants be put off by the amount of words and not remember as many for the long list as the short? There are clearly many different experiments relating to memory that could be tested.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Historical, Physical, Sociocultural And Phycological
This exhibition is inspired by the theme Memory focusing on Art as Navigation- A Matter of Time and Place and is taking place in Perc Tucker Reginal Gallery. Navigation is the process or activity of accurately ascertaining one s position and planning and following a route. Navigation can be viewed in several contexts; Historical, Physical, Sociocultural and Phycological. In this exhibition, the context of Art as Navigation will be focusing more on the phycological element of navigation. The way Art as Navigation is viewed is through a cognitive development of achievement and understanding of knowledge, formation of beliefs and attitudes, and decision making and problem solving. It is the journey one takes either with going back to the†¦show more content†¦The Decameron was named after one of Songsong’s favorite books written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the mid-14th century that consisted of a collection of 100 stories told by 10 different characters over 10 days. The si gnificances of this stories are that they all surround the similar theme. Songsong used Boccaccio’s concept and applied to his work by interpreting an outsourced public photo of the 2004 National People’s Congress. Songsong enlarged the NPC 2004 photo and cut it into 10 sections and painted each section individually. When placed together the original photo could be seen at a larger scale. Songsong’s second piece is Cuban Sugar which is a representation of an image of when China went through a domestic sugar cane production. Its titled the Cuban Sugar as a representation of this event reflecting the political conflict of interest through fractured independent sections of the full piece of work. Completing Songsong’s painting are individual sections within the painting with different texture and color, suggesting a layered and disjoint between China and Cuba and their historical interpretation. The second artist featured in this exhibition with amazing art pieces inspired by his childhood memories and materials is, Mark Bradford. Bradford was born in Southern California in what is considered the ‘hood’ of California. Bradford has received both Bachelor and Master in Fine Arts from the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Chapter 6 Study Questions Essay - 1598 Words
1. Define deviance. How does this definition differ from how sociologists define deviance? Deviance is behavior or characteristics that violate important social norms. The difference between how the dictionary defines deviance and how sociologist define deviance is what may be deviant in one place, at one particular time, may not be deviant in another place and time. Basically with times changing something may or may not be tolerated as acceptable behavior. 2. What is situational deviance? Are there different degrees of deviance? Explain. Situational deviance is relative to a particular setting as well as dependent upon who is doing the defining. There are different degrees of deviance, there’s individual and system blame. The†¦show more content†¦9. Define and describe, in your own words, the deviance theories of individual blame and system blame. The individual blame theory states that the average beliefs of society are correct which creates balance and happiness in society. The theory of system blame states that more powerful individuals attempt to force their views of right and wrong to powerless individuals. 10. Note some criticisms attached to each theory? Some of the criticisms attached to each theory is biological, psychological, and sociological theories. 11. According to Freud, what causes deviance? Freud believed that deviant behavior is the result of an underdeveloped ego. 12. According to Banefield, what causes deviance? Banefield believed that deviant behavior was caused by lower socioeconomic groups in society developing a different value system. 13. Merton refers to innovation, ritualism, retreatists, and rebels. Explain each term, in your own words, and provide examples for each. 14. How does labeling affect an individual? Labeling will more likely cause an individual to become deviant when social groups label them as such. 15. Note the difference between, and give examples of, primary and secondary deviance? 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