Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on Scalawags - 2462 Words
Scalawags 1. Who were the Scalawags?  · Scalawags is the name given to native or local whites who supported the Rep party. The origins of the word is uncertain but the term came from Scalway, a district in Sheton Island, where small cattle lived. Used in US before the Civil war to mean scrawny or undersized cattle. It was also a synonmy for good for nothing. Southern conservative whites found the scalawags uniquely hateful. Blacks were considerable more understand then the faults of a scalawags who was considered a traitor to the south and his own white race.  · They were primarily thought to be poor whites who had opposed the southern aristocracy and the confederacy and who now sought personal and class gains through the†¦show more content†¦He missappropiated arms funds. He also took money for pardons and appointments. He betrayed not only his state, but his class, his college, the negroes who voted him in the office and himself. When he finished his term as a governor, he was an hopeless bankrupt. His associates abandoned him. Because of Chamberlains (carpetbagger) effort to erase the corruption left by Moses, some democrats thought about relected him. His wife divorced him and he went to Mass where he was moderator of the town meetings  · Another Ex: Christopher Columbus Bowen (SC): best resembles the conservative stereoptye. Born in RI, he moved to Ge where he made his living as a card dealer. He joined the confederate army. Courtmarshalled and jailed in Charleston but was freed when the Union army occupied the city in 1865. In 1868, he was jailed again for alledgedly embezzling money from the freedmen. Acquited in 1872 on a bigomy charge. Pardoned by President Grant. Served two terms in the national house of reps.  · Most common elements of these native southerns who became republican were: Unionist background, lingering attachment to Whiggery, and a closely related attraction to the economic philosophy of the Rep party. Republicans also attracted number of urban and small town artisans and among southerns foreign born working men. Some unionists and former whigs would not consider joining the democratic party for any reasons. SomeShow MoreRelatedWhy the Reconstruction Stopped After the Civil War Essay678 Words  | 3 Pageshe would be a victim of the Ku Klux Klan, then it was probably not safe for Republicans, scalawags, and carpetbaggers in the South during Reconstruction. The North was responsible for providing safety in the South for Republicans, carpetbaggers, scalawags, and African Americans. This would have proved that the North was negligent. Therefore, if the North had not been negligent, the African Americans, scalawags, and carpetbaggers would have been safe during and after Re construction even if the SouthRead MoreEssay about Margaret Mitchells Gone with the Wind909 Words  | 4 Pageswidowed twice and buried her youngest child. Scarlett is weathered and worn but still strong and determined. She comes to realize her â€Å"love†has been wasted on a man who never really loved her and she is faced with losing her husband, the dashing scalawag Rhett Butler, the man she has really loved all along. These years are more than the volatile love story of Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler, the book chronicles the years, events and details of the South before, during and after the Civil War. TheRead MoreEssay on The Reasons for the Failure of Reconstruction542 Words  | 3 Pageswithout the immoral element of slavery. But, reconstruction under the Johnson Presidency was a failure for a few reasons: 1) Convict Leasing, 2) Sharecropping, 3) the Ku Klux Klan, 4) Segregation in schools, even in the North, 5) Carpetbaggers/Scalawags, 6) misleading statistics, and 7) racism. Convict Leasing was started when lawmakers saw a loop hole in the Thirteenth Amendment, which stated that with the exception of punishment for a crime, slavery was abolished. Fourteen thousand dollarsRead MoreAbraham Lincoln And The Fourteenth Amendment1431 Words  | 6 Pageslead to an active federal judiciary with courts enforcing rights. Difference between Carpetbaggers and Scalawags The difference between the two is that the â€Å"carpetbaggers†were people who came from the North to work with the governments while â€Å"scalawags†were native Southerners. The carpetbaggers were northerners that would go to the south to make money. The scalawags were white republicans who saw more advantage in backing the policies of reconstruction than in opposing them. FrederickRead MoreOthello By William Shakespeare s Othello Essay977 Words  | 4 PagesAlexius Sparkman Dr. Ernest Williamson III English 101 30 November 2016 Iago In William Shakespeare s Othello, Iago s character is perhaps the most appalling scalawag. Oxford s Dictionary characterizes miscreant as an, an evil individual; boss insidious character in a play or a story (Oxford 740). Iago plays the antiquated of Othello, who is the general of the Venetian powers. As an old, Iago is to be an unwavering worker to Othello. In any case, Iago has developed intense and scornfulRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1162 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Yee-Haw!†one rebellious little child yelled at the white scalawag, walking down the street, as he zoomed by on his horse. The Civil War, a war between the North and South in The United States of America fought over state’s rights, slavery, and nullification. This war was fought mostly in the South, which caused tons and tons of damage emotionally physically and politically to the South. In the following paragraphs, what exactly reconstruction is, how it and the war affected The United States ofRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller829 Words  | 4 Pageswas only a kid, she saw her guardians ruthless homicides. I saw Indians smash my dear parents heads on the pillow next to mine... (page 20) After her traumatic experience, she was raised by her uncle, Reverend Parris, who is to some degree a scalawag. In the play it was composed He (Parris) was a widower with no interest in children, or talent with them. (Page 3) Along these lines, it is clear to see that Abigail grew up with no adoration or supporting. She additionally was with no genuineRead MoreWhat If Abraham Lincoln Hadnt Died? Essay626 Words  | 3 Pageswanted, Jackson wanted the south to suffer and pay for what it had cause, therefore making the south a victim of the North’s carpetbaggers’ ambition to make easy money by taking chance of the horrible conditions the south had brought to itself, and Scalawags, white southerners that gave their backs to the south to join the republicans (hypocrites, probably did this to save themselves). Even though there is a great chance carpetbaggers would have found a way to make money in the south if Lincoln hadRead MoreSteroids Damage both Athletes and Sports Essay885 Words  | 4 PagesBaseball to respond promptly and aggressively to allegations of illegal use or possession of Performance enhancing substances.†(Salisbury par 9) â€Å"What the report seems to establish is that baseball has indeed had a steroid era, not just a few scalawags. All records, all statistical achievements, from the era of the 1990s and early 2000s have to be viewed through the lens of baseball made better through science.†(Manny-headed Monster par 15) Another benefit of testing athletes is that it canRead MoreThe Civil War And Its Effect On The Reconstruction Process849 Words  | 4 Pageslooks at the rightness or wrongness of the stance that Lincoln took and its effect on the reconstruction process. The radicals in the South were less accommodative to what President Lincoln was trying to implement at the time. The carpetbaggers and scalawags at the time, began, rebuilding the Southern economy on their own terms, far from the policy President Lincoln was bringing in. because of the end of slavery, freemen were equally included in building the economy, where schools were built and shared
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Managing the Diverse Workforce Free Essays
string(41) " by means of excellent work and loyalty\." Everybody is created uniquely as compared with others. There might be qualities that some people or groups possess that the other group does not. This is diversity. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing the Diverse Workforce or any similar topic only for you Order Now A diverse workforce can give many advantages that the problems associated with it are carefully studied and solved for. Variety of ideas and views regarding important matters within the organization can contribute a lot to the success of the work. Although there might arise conflict and misunderstanding, it can be addressed properly to be converted as strength of the company. Efficient diverse workforce management requires a lot of effort and even money, yet it is very worth it for it gives a lot of benefits to the company.                 Managing the Diverse Workforce With further advancement in technology, health issues are continuously being addressed. As such, the life expectancy of people is increasing. This has an immense effect in the business sector. According to Sheldon Steinhauser, the median age of workers raised from 38 years in 1994 to 55 or more in 2005. Also, more and more people from poor performing countries or states are going to richer countries or nations to apply for jobs. The days when women are left in the houses for housekeeping and baby-sitting are also over. Women are pursuing their own careers nowadays. With these happenings, diversity in the workforce is very evident and is expected to increase in the coming years. The question now is what its effects in the business are and how this issue should is addressed. Everybody is created uniquely as compared with others. There might be qualities that some people or groups possess that the other group does not. This is diversity. Oftentimes, diversity is associated with demographic-related factors such as ancestry, gender or age. Aside from those mentioned above, this may also cover sexual orientation, educational and professional training, civil status and religious preference. Cultural background is also a major dimension. According to Bateman and Snell, a diversified workforce may include, but are not limited to: ethnic groups and minorities, migrant workers, disable, women, and people with varying expectations, values, affiliations, economic status and work style. In order to manage diversity, the systems and practices must be reviewed and changed if necessary to maximize the capabilities of the people in it. Implementation of the systems must be ensured to extract the abilities of the employees so as to maximize their contribution to the company. In order to do this effectively, the employer or the human resource personnel must know the individual differences of the workforce. Just like in other setting, diversity can be taken as advantageous to the company if handled well. People with varying values and skills may contribute to the aggregate success of the whole. However, to be able to achieve such success, each difference must be preserved and nurtured. Bateman and Stale noted the existence of a glass ceiling in the company. This is an invisible barrier that hinders women and members of the minority groups from reaching a higher level in the hierarchy of the organization. As such, the potentials of these groups are not maximized. However, f or the sake of profit and improvement, this barrier is being removed nowadays. As different ways to manage diversity are being discovered, discrimination in the workplace is slowly exiting. Although there is really no definite formula in handling diversity, researches and experiences help the human resource personnel and leaders extract the full potentials of their employees from all walks of life. Employing people amidst their cultural and demographic background allows the company to have a good share in the labor pool. Many skillful workers belong to ethnic groups or are women, or are older people. Thus, not including them in the search would lessen the already small labor pool. Also, according to studies at the Stanford Business School, as written in the Business and Legal Reports, diversity among employees can generate better performance when it comes to out-of-the-ordinary creative tasks. For instance, business developments are more effective if the decision-making body is composed of diverse individuals. Their different views could be taken into the advantage of the company. Their varying experiences can be put together to achieve a solid and effective decision. In sales and promotions, a team composed of people from different regions or age brackets or lifestyles can have their own suggestions based from what they themselves want or favor. The target customer could be re presented by the members of the team so their needs would be addressed even at the start of the project. Discussions about the differences of ideas can also be taken as positive since more options will arise and more factors would be considered on the initial planning, thus reducing the chance of error or unseen circumstance. Also, a company that crosses boundaries and differences creates a good impression to the labor pool. In effect, workers would be the ones to approach the human resource personnel, thus, saving more money for the promotions and employee search, and more often than not, those highly-skilled workers are the ones who go for such companies. Furthermore, traditional practices may no longer be applicable to the current policies and need and a diverse workforce is more unbounded to deviate from this, resulting to a better system. Businesses and organizations are sprouting all over during the course of time. In effect, competition is high not only for the share of the market, but also for the shrinking labor pool. Aside from attracting workers due to effective diversity management, homogeneity can also address the need for flexibility and change. By valuing the differences of the individuals, the company is rewarded by its employees by means of loyalty and excellence. A secret in effective management is making the subordinates feel its worth as part of the team. If this is given to him, he would strive to return this sense of importance by means of excellent work and loyalty. You read "Managing the Diverse Workforce" in category "Essay examples" This is when the employee shows his best capabilities. Managing a diverse workforce creates a good impression not only to the employees and members of the organizations but to the people outside it as well. According to Bateman and Stale, diverse customers tend to favor these kinds of organizations. Also, the diverse market can be better addressed if they are well-represented in the company by the diverse employees. As such, customer satisfaction is higher and patronage would be awarded. To marginalize the workforce is to waste money, time and skillful workers. Such action would create a bad impression to the market and to the labor pool. Also, it would hinder the entrance of highly-skilled workers who happened to not belong to the widely-accepted group. It may also illicit complaints and conflicts from members of the marginalized group. Having a diverse workforce is not all glory. Diversity also creates conflicts especially if it involves ideas or beliefs. Yes, varying opinions create a healthy atmosphere for discussion and debate but this oftentimes lead to misunderstanding and conflict. Interpersonal conflict may arise and eventually destroy the group. Sometimes, attack is taken not just against the idea but on the person as well. Discrimination among workers may also be difficult to handle. People from different groups tend to be more protective of their identity or beliefs and this often lead to discord. Discussions may also take longer than usual in order to entertain all differing and sometimes conflicting views. Lack of cohesiveness does not only involve ideas or views but even understanding of the goal. The aim may be interpreted differently and this would lead to people walking towards different directions, making the finish line more difficult to reach. This must be attended to at the start so as to ensure that the team is walking towards the same direction in order to save effort, time, money and other resources. According to the Business and Legal Reports, problems also include the answer to the question of how the employees must be treated. Should it be fair or same? What is the basis of fairness? Treating different employees is not an easy task. A simple task of distributing a memo for all the employees poses a problem. The language to be used, the capacity of all the people to understand and a lot others must be taken into primary consideration. Biases must be kept far from decision-making and management but individual capacities of the employees must also be taken into account. As for members of the workforce, the major problem is miscommunication. Differences may hinder smooth transfer of information from the people inside the organization. People from different races might have different understanding in words or expressions. Misinterpreting the gestures or actions of others may yield to conflict or argument within the organization. Also, stereotyping may also arise. An individual or group may think that they are superior to others. This would affect the performance of all the people in the workforce. Instead of focusing on the goal, stereotyped members of the team may be distracted and concentrate on being within the â€Å"more superior†group. Also, perseverance and efforts of the members might be disregarded as several members focus on their colleagues. Researches and experiences claim that to manage a diverse workforce is never easy. It is a task that has to be well-taken cared of. Yet, it is also possible. In fact, there are several multicultural organizations that employ a diverse workforce. There are advices for management and human resources personnel as to how this issue must be handled in order to extract the best abilities of the members of the team. First and foremost, the top management must have an eye on the effectiveness of the diverse workforce. They must be sensitive to the feedbacks of diverse groups regarding company policies or ordinances. They must be also aware to the response of the other members of the team. The plans and objectives of the organization must also incorporate diverse workforce. Most of all, top managers must participate and take the lead in the programs that aim to learn about diversity. Trainings and seminars can also be conducted to better handle and manage a diverse workforce. Rewards can be given to further affirm the good works of the team members. Lastly, a team building is essential to create a bond between members of the company. In doing so, the risk of miscommunication is lessened, as well as the possibility for conflict. With the growing competition in the labor pool and the market, any organization cannot afford to lose a skillful individual just because he belongs to a minority or because he is outside the margin line. A diverse workforce can give many advantages that the problems associated with it are carefully studied and solved for. Variety of ideas and views regarding important matters within the organization can contribute a lot to the success of the work. Although there might arise conflict and misunderstanding, it can be addressed properly to be converted as strength of the company. Efficient diverse workforce management requires a lot of effort and even money, yet it is very worth it for it gives a lot of benefits to the company. References Bateman and Snell. Managing the Diverse Workforce. Retrieved November 22, 2007     from Business and Legal Reports. Diversity Can Improve Decision-Making. Retrieved           November      22, 2007, from Human Resources, University of California, Berkeley.Guide to Managing Human          Resources: Chapter 12: Managing Diversity in the Workplace. Retrieved November    22, 2007 from Improvement Network. Managing a Diverse Workforce. Retrieved November 22,          2007 from   Piturro Marlene, PhD.. Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce. Retrieved           November      22, 2007 from Steinhauser Sheldon. (1999, January). Successfully Managing an Age Diverse Workforce.        Managing Diversity, Vol. 8, Retrieved November 22, 2007 from    United States Department of Trade (2007). Leading a Diverse Workforce. Retrieved     November 22, 2007 from      leading_a_diverse.html   How to cite Managing the Diverse Workforce, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Narrative essay about friend free essay sample
My adventure started when my family and I decided to leave our country. Our destiny was unknown and mysterious, and we didn’t know what the future was holding for us, until destiny managed to bring us to the United States of America. At that time, I was still young, but I realized the greatness of the country that I was headed to. Where people achieved their goals and reached all limit. But I figured there was a big problem, which was the language that I should be adapting to sooner or later. Actually, I hated English ever since school, because our teacher was very bad looking and smelled like a rotten egg, and most of the time the class was disorganized. Students were very quiet and bored to death. And I felt like my heart was dimed in the darkness every time I walked into the classroom. Before going to school in America, I was scared that I would start whispering to myself or shouting loudly and felt my skin was cold and my surface was very smooth, whenever I thought that I can’t adapt to the culture and be part of the society at the time. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative essay about friend or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So I was looking for friends that speak my language to help me in school and guide me of what was going and be left behind. I met my first two friends Jihad who I called â€Å"Joy†and Murtadha. My parents and friends tried to convincing me not to be afraid or panic about school and that I was going to pick up language quicker than a sponge would suck water, but my fears overcome these cheers. I felt incapable of control my senses and I would take moment of silence every once in a while, breathing smoothly. I smelled bad wind blowing through my body and body was very heavy that I couldn’t feel my muscle, if like I was almost paralyzed. And I almost felt like crying. I had a fight with my parent on the first day school in the morning to not go to school, but I was forced to go any ways. At the beginning, although I faced some difficulties in learning new language but by time past and with my friends help, I found solution for my problems and defeated the fears I had at the beginning. Finally, I gained an experience and own new friendship in this adventure. After look at this, I learned that don’t let fear overcome you and all your senses, and try to figure out a solution no matter how big is the problem. And if you need help don’t be scared to ask a good friend.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Top 20 Hamlet Essay Topics and Questions
Hamlet is a very popular play by William Shakespeare. As strong and engaging the script is, so it provides room for hundreds of topics on which essays can be written. However, writing a piece on Hamlet is not easy. Hearing or reading the story is one thing because it’s an enjoyable experience, but writing an essay on Hamlet is another thing, because the storyline is quite sophisticated, complicated, and carries a lot of details. Writing a Hamlet essay requires not only in-depth knowledge of the story and the dynamics of the interplay of its characters, but also it takes very good literary writing skills to jot down all those points and concoct a convincing argument from them. We can totally understand it if you are having a hard time writing a Hamlet essay! How to Select the Best Hamlet Essay Topic? A Much Searched Question! Finding a suitable topic for a Hamlet essay is no easier either. Students commonly face difficulty wording a title that carries the gist of the essay and truly does justice to it. Here are few guidelines on how to determine the topic for your Hamlet essay: Read the question over and over again until you get a fair understanding of what is required from you. Reading it once won’t do as you might miss out the details that your teacher wants you to capture. While writing the essay, note the most important points on a separate sheet of paper. It is the time of writing that is the best for determining which points carry more worth than the others because your mind is fully open and working on the subject. After your list of points is ready, join important phrases putting proverbs, nouns, and adjectives as sealants to come up with a title. Revise the title so that it fits within the character limit established by your teacher. These are some general guidelines for writing any sort of topic on a Hamlet essay. If you follow these guidelines correctly and practice writing essay topics, you will soon get really good at it. List of Hamlet Essay Topics You Can Get Idea From We have compiled a list of essay topics on Hamlet for you. They will give you a good idea of how a topic should be. Go through them and see which one fits best with your essay! Important themes in Hamlet. Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia in light of his revenge mission. Revenge and its consequences: the prime focus of Hamlet`s Despite being enemies, Hamlet and Laertes have many similarities. Discuss their similarities and differences. Influence of male characters on the actions of female characters in Hamlet. Laertes embarks on the mission of revenge. Discuss his justification for seeking revenge. Role of imagery in the overall mood of Hamlet. Discuss the truth in the line, â€Å"His madness is poor Hamlet’s enemy.†Gertrude’s love for Hamlet. Discuss the elements of consistency, conflict, and probability in Hamlet. Portrayal of women in the play Hamlet. Deception in Hamlet. Hamlet’s pessimistic understanding of the role of love in the family. Compare and contrast the characters of Claudius and Laertes. Inferring the meaning of love from Hamlet. The effect of Gertrude and Claudius’s marriage on the psychology of Hamlet. The tragedy of Hamlet. Discuss Hamlet’s relationship with his mother Gertrude. Write down a character analysis of Hamlet. The reasons why Hamlet is still a popular play in the 21st Some Very Important Hamlet Essay Questions It is always advisable for students to prepare essay questions on Hamlet because sooner or later, they will be required to answer either them or similar questions. We have put together some very important questions on Hamlet for you. You can start over by preparing answers for them. As you write the answers, you will not only develop the skill of writing answers on questions related to Hamlet but will also get the details of the story carved in your memory which will help you answer any type of question on Hamlet. Some important questions on Hamlet are as follows: Do you agree to Hamlet’s way of finding the culprit? If yes, why? If no, why not? What made Hamlet’s mother be with her husband’s killer emotionally and physically? Is she a bad person? Why or why not? Was Hamlet actually full of real or feigned madness? Whats the difference between the mad and the sane characters in the play, especially in what they say and how they say it? Golden Rules for Hamlet Essay Prompts For your convenience, we have prepared a list of points that you can take care of while writing any kind of essay on Hamlet. They come in handy because they apply on all topics on the subject. Just memorize them well and try writing essays according to them. Every time you have to write, go through the summary once and refresh characters and events in your mind. Prepare an outline before you start writing the essay. Have a proper thesis statement, and topic statements for your body paragraphs, in addition to an introduction and conclusion. Draw upon the outline to write the essay, joining ideas and filling gaps. Call Us Now for Good Hamlet Essay Ideas If you want help, don’t delay it. Give us a call or join the Live Chat. We’ll deliver you the best essay within your deadline!
Monday, November 25, 2019
What to Do If Your College Friend Is Bullied
What to Do If Your College Friend Is Bullied In this article we’re going to take a look at some â€Å"safe plays†you can depend on should a bullying issue come up with someone you’re close to. These days it’s no joke. Our point here is to make sure you’re informed and you can cover your freaking ass as well. And, with that said let’s get right to it. 1 Examine Whether It’s an Isolated Incident or an Issue Honestly, saying the word â€Å"bully†these days on campus is like saying â€Å"bomb†on an airplane. People don’t just go throwing it around or jumping to conclusions. If your friend hasn’t been roughed up physically, then take the time to evaluate the matter closely. Was is coincidental or situational in nature? Is it likely to happen again, or has it been going on for a while? Is your friend overreacting†¦honestly? Furthermore, the last thing you want to do is to cause a bunch of drama or potentially label someone a bully only to find out that it was all just a big misunderstanding. And secondly, people today need to be a little more resilient. Sometimes these situations are points in the road that define our characters. Confrontations, if they don’t get violent, are a part of life. If it’s an issue, confront your friend about it. If a serious physical, emotional, psychological or verbal abuse is taking place, then you need to confront not the bully, but your friend about it. What’s up? How long has this been going on? How serious is it? Why haven’t they stood up for themselves yet, or if they have, why haven’t they sought help up to this point? Let’s be honest, many times it’s the weaker that get picked on. Weaker in many different senses of the word, not just physically. This type of treatment wears down on us and takes its toll, especially when we’re younger. 2 Figure Out If It’s Possible to Confront the Bully Without Making Things Worse No, you shouldn’t â€Å"confront†anyone on a social media channel. That’s just downright childish. Confrontations should ideally happen in controlled and safe or public environments where a physical encounter (otherwise known as big trouble) can be avoided. Is it possible to simply confront this person and in the matter of fact ask, â€Å"Why are you bullying me/my friend?†Put them on the spot. Don’t be afraid to confront them publically if they are indeed a bully and no one has had the guts to do it yet. Oftentimes this can be the wakeup call that â€Å"bullies†which are human being too, need. But, if it’s likely to cause trouble or just doesn’t seem like the smart play then avoid the person or group and skip to the next strategy. There’s no reason to put your or your friends safety at risk. If the goal is revenge, or is anger-based then step back and take a deep breath. These days is this really something you want to risk? Colleges are deathly afraid of bad press, and bullying is a paramount issue that no colleges want to be attached to. 3 Take Advantage of Any College Mediation Counselors or Services Chances are your college has mediation counselors and services that can pretty much take care of the situation for you. They’ll arrange the confrontation in a highly controlled environment. 9 times out of 10 mediation services get things worked out without more trouble. And, there’s absolutely no shame in turning to them. Again, â€Å"bullying†is like kryptonite. Everyone wants to avoid it. These people are trained to solve problems. If you’re a freshmen or sophomore living in dorms there’s probably a mediation counselor for your dorm. Regardless, the perpetrator will know afterwards that they’re on watch and their college career is now â€Å"on the radar†so make sure that contacting mediation services is warranted. 4 Don’t Even Think About Retaliating in a Way That Will Create a Much Bigger Problem To be blunt, the cops could so easily get involved and if they do then you’re in for some serious trouble if you’re a part of the shenanigans. And here’s the elephant in the room: school shootings. The sad fact is that they’re way too common these days they’re oftentimes connected to some form of bullying. No one’s saying you’ll do anything like that, but if you or your friend start talking tough or saying retarded things about retaliating someone is likely to take you at your word, call the cops and you could have a full-on swat team invade your dorm room. This is serious! Don’t retaliate. Be an adult and do things the right way. And, if your friend is out looking for trouble that could jeopardize your life and your goals, then maybe you should reexamine your friendship? What do you think?
Friday, November 22, 2019
An Overview of Capitalism Using the Method of Marxism
An Overview of Capitalism Using the Method of Marxism Marxian theories against capitalism Historical materialism Marx’s theory of historical materialism, inspired by Hegel’s phenomenology, stated that both human societies and cultural institutions resulted from economic activity. Unlike Hegel who stated that abstract ideas were the cause of change, however, Marx proposed that material, economic forces, and their relationship with the natural, biological and physical world, were the determining proponents of dialectical change. History rests in the internal contradictions in the system of material production (producing what people need for survival), and other factors that have influenced society, such as geographical movement and growth of population, were not as determinant as the mode of production. Any changes in the material and economic conditions of a society also imply changes in its social relations. Social change, then, resulted from internal conflicts in a society’s economy. The social reality determines human consciousness. The mode of production is composed of two aspects: the productive forces and men’s relations of production. The productive forces include the instruments of production wherewith material values needed for survival, such as food, clothing, shelter, fuel, etc., are produced and the people who use these instruments in the production of material values through their production experience and labor skill. Men’s relations of productions, on the other hand, refer to the relations the people make with each other during production. These may come in the form of cooperation and mutual help, and in domination and subordination. Marx regarded revolutions not as political accidents, but manifestations of the historical progress of societies. Revolutions occur when modes of production â€Å"mature†, or contradict themselves to the point that they eventually collapse. Marx recounts human history in terms of four modes of production. The first mode of production, named asiatic, was considered as primitive communism, It was characterized by a communal ownership of land and essential economic resources. This mode of production was phased out when physically stronger people instituted the concept of private property. The ancient mode of production gave authority to people with physical, political and material strength – the masters while the non-owning class were slaves. Slaves were treated as commodities and made to engage in torturous menial and physical labor. This started a revolution of the slaves against their masters. The feudal mode of production was characterized, again, by two classes: feudal lords and serfs. Lords owned the land, and their job was to lease land and employ agricultural labor in their lands. The serfs worked in the lands and paid taxes in exchange for the lords’ protection. Like in the ancient mode of production, the serfs revolted against the lords. Industrialism grew becaus e of the revolution. Finally, the capitalistic mode of production, and the one Marx was most bothered with, caused the migration from rural to urban areas. There were two working classes as well: the bourgeoisie, who owned most of society’s wealth and means of production, and the proletariats, who rendered service for survival. Marx wanted that the exploitation present since the ancient mode of production would dispel, and so proposed socialism and communism. Socialism is the beginning stage wherein society is classless, while communism is the final stage wherein equality has been thoroughly implemented and private property and ownership are absent. Alienation The Marxist definition of alienation means that man does not experience himself as the acting agent in his grasp of the world, but that the world remains alien to him. The process of alienation is expressed in work and the division of labor, especially due to the emergence of capitalism and private property. Eventually, labor rules over the man and becomes a power independent of its producer. Man’s identity and consciousness of himself and his world becomes marred. â€Å"The object produced by labor, its product, now stands opposed to it as an alien being, as a power independent of the producer. The product of labor is labor which has been embodied in an object and turned into a physical thing; this product is an objectification of labor†Marx seeks the liberation of man from labor that destroys his individuality through his criticism of capitalism. Capitalist production, according to him, transforms the relations of individuals into qualities of things, and exploits its producers like machines through aliented labor. He differentiates proper work and alienated labor as thus: â€Å"Man no longer reproduces himself merely intellectually, as in consciousness, but actively and in a real sense, and he sees his own reflection in a world which he has constructed. While, therefore, alienated labor takes away the object of production from man, it also takes away his species life, his real objectivity as a species-being, and changes his advantage over animals into a disadvantage in so far as his inorganic body, nature, is taken from him. Just as alienated labor transforms free and self-directed activity into a means, so it transforms the species life of man into a means of physical existence. Consciousness, which man has from his species, is transformed through alienation so that species life becomes only a means for him. Alienation also leads to the perversion of moral values, as man is too conscious of economy’s values gain, work, thrift and sobriety to develop virtues. Due to the rising importance of commodities and money, for every new product, the potential for deceit and robbery grows. The alienated man only knows one way of relating himself to the world: through having and consuming it. He becomes more needy for money and possessions, and watches for signs of weaknesses in which he can maximize his gain. Class Consciousness Class consciousness is recognizing that the different interests and conditions of living between the two classes (bourgeois and proletariat) define their relationship with each other. This occurs when there is awareness from the working class that the conditions of labor and living of their class was created by the upper class. Once this happens, the working class becomes the enemy of the upper class. There are six features of class consciousness, although it was not Marx, but Bertell Ollman, who came up with them. The first feature pertains to the subjective and objective identity and interests of membership in a class. â€Å"Subjective†refers to what people think about their class situation, while â€Å"objective†refers to how the classes actually worked as seen in historical development, The second feature is that people must be knowledgeable about how capitalism works, either to benefit or deter them. The third feature pertains to the â€Å"broad outlines of class struggle and where one fits into it†. The fourth feature pertains to the solidarity with other members of the same class, which are exemplified by worker unions and revolts. The fifth feature is a â€Å"rational hostility†towards the opposing class. The last feature pertains to having a â€Å"vision of a more democratic and egalitarian society that is not only possible but is a condition individuals can help bring about.â€
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Has the Global Financial Crisis lead to fundamental change in the Essay - 1
Has the Global Financial Crisis lead to fundamental change in the relationship between government and business - Essay Example Business is one segment in which governments made some policy changes in order to strengthen the business activities in a controlled manner. In some sectors governments imposed more restrictions whereas in some other sectors government liberalized the rules and assisted the business people to come out from the recession. For example, governments put more control on the activities of financial institutions like banks whereas they assisted other business entities like the automobile sectors in order to save that sector from total destruction. In other words, the relationship between the government and different business entities has undergone contrasting changes because of recession. This paper analyses the extent of changes happened in relationships between the governments and the business because of recession. The relationship between government and business is important both for the government and the business groups. Governments are primarily operating for safeguarding the interests of the people whereas business always works on making profits. Business always tries to exploit the public resources injudiciously to increase their profits. In other words, the interests of public and business are often contradictory and may not go hand in hand. Governments are fixing the boundaries or the norms in order to reach a compromise between the interests of the people and the interests of business. Government need to protect the interests of both. In order to grow economically, business activities should be increased and for that purpose, more liberalized rules are essential. At the same time, these liberalized rules should never affect the public interest negatively. Thus governments are acting as a bridge between the people and business ensuring that either the people or the business taking any undue advantages. According to the renowned economist John Maynard Keynes, a purely free market system would tend to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Rip Van Winkle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rip Van Winkle - Essay Example Rip Van Winkle: the Passive Protagonist. On the surface, Washington Irving’s A Posthumous Writing of Diedrich Knickerbocker appears to be a fairy tale which requires the reader to willingly suspend his disbelief. However, further reading gives it a deeper meaning. Rip Van Winkle, the protagonist of the story, has an out-of-the-ordinary experience in the Catskill Mountain and falls sleeps for twenty years. He returns to his village to find the old order of things changed by the American Revolution. When we consider that the story has been plotted so that the protagonist is absent during such a momentous period of American history, it is evident that the author is attempting to convey a particular message to the reader. I believe that Washington Irving’s purpose in writing Rip Van Winkle is to assert that the old, even when it is not a catalyst of change, can serve as a cherished and valuable agent of continuity with the new. Rip Van Winkle is a passive protagonist, bu t retains his relevance until the end of the narrative. Rip Van Winkle is â€Å"a simple, good-natured fellow†who is â€Å"pliant and malleable†(Washington, 2011, p.32), in his dealings with his fellow-men.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Corporate governance Essay Example for Free
Corporate governance Essay Corporate governance is concerned with the structures and systems of control by which managers are held accountable to those who have a legitimate stake in an organization. It has become an increasingly important issue for organizations for three main reasons. The separation of ownership and management control of organizations (which is now the norm except with very small businesses) means that most organizations operate within a hierarchy, or chain, of governance. This chain represents those groups that influence an organization through their involvement in either ownership or management of an organization. Increased accountability to wider stakeholder interests has also come to be increasingly advocated; in particular the argument that corporations need to be more visibly accountable and/or responsive, not only to ‘owners’ and ‘managers’ in the governance chain but to wider social interest Corporate scandals since the late 1990s have increased public debate about how different parties in the governance chain should interact and influence each other. Most notable here is the relationship between shareholders and the boards of businesses, but an equivalent issue in the public sector is the relationship between government or public funding bodies and public sector organizations. As the key purpose of Corporate governance drive the benefit of shareholder of the company all members of corporate governance model responsible and accountable for driving this primary objective. 1.1 Five Golden Rules of Corporate Governance And best corporate governance practice is not simply about a battle between distant, disloyal institutional shareholders and greedy directors but about the ethos of the organization and fulfilling its clearly agreed goals. 5 golden rules of Corporate Governance of successful organization are: 1. Ethics: a clearly ethical basis to the business 2. Align Business Goals: appropriate goals, arrived at through the creation of a suitable stakeholder decision making model 3. Strategic management: an effective strategy process which incorporates stakeholder value 4. Organization: an organization suitably structured to effect good corporate governance 5. Reporting: reporting systems structured to provide transparency and accountability 2 Objectives of study Objective of this case study is to understand and critically examine flaws, failure of Corporate Governance on Satyam Computer’s strategic decisions. Also analyze what are the areas those can be influenced by proper Corporate Governance. This case also helps understanding Governments roles to tackle firms or intervene in firm’s functionality in the interest of internal and external stakeholders. Not only were there failures at the regulatory level, but also at the executive level. With no express code for corporate governance in India, the company failed to follow the industry standard best practices and as a result, collapsed. This study would be useful in identifying the different kind of failures in a family owned business like Satyam and to policy makers in designing and implementing corporate governance frameworks for professionally managed as well as family managed businesses like Satyam. This case also reveals how wrong decisions can damage entire organization and dent the image of company. This case also focuses certain legal issues related to roles and responsibilities of Chairman and other top management including critical role of independent directors of organization. This Case Study focuses laws and gaps in the Indian context. 3 Historical Evolution of the company Satyam was incorporated on June 24, 1987 as a private limited company providing software development and consulting services based out of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Ramalinga Raju and his brother Rama Raju were the promoters of the company. Before starting Satyam these duo were involved in other businesses like construction and textiles. This company was started with 20 employees 1991, this company went in for IPO where it was oversubscribed by 17 times. Same year it could bag clients like John Deere co which is fortune 500 company. This is the first time it adopted offshoring model. 1993, Satyam formed joint ventures with clients like D B and also with GE. In 1996 Satyam started its on shore offices in US and Japan. And its first development center in New Jersey, 1998. By 1999 it had operations in 30 countries and was assessed SEI CMM Level 5, one of the very few companies to get this accreditation by then. In 2000, Satyam grew by 10000 employees and got listed in NASDAQ ( National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) in 2001. 2004 Satyam was providing services in 45 countries with employee base of 15000. At that time Company was operating in various verticals with 18 development centers. Company crossed 1Billion revenues by 2006. Satyam’s revenues grew to 2 billion by 2008 with a net income of 417mn. Gained 186 of fortune 500 customers. Sailing in the industry with 46000 employees by March 2008 with operations across 66 countries. By September 2008 it recorded revenue of 28.19Bn. 3.1 Corporate Governance Practice at Satyam To explain the level of commitment and ethics to society it was mentioned by both inside and outside members of Satyam that on the day of Ramalinga Raju father’s cremation he attended shareholders meeting. Company’s ethics and level commitment were stressed in many annual reports. Corporate Governance was driven by its core values Associate Delight Investor Delight Customer Delight Pursuit of Excellence Company stated that†it believes that corporate governance practices provide an important framework to help the board of directors to fulfill its responsibilities†Main duties of the board were to set strategic direction to the company and leading the organization in the right direction there by ensuring long term interest of investor and other stakeholders of the company. Source: Satyam Computer Services, Report on Corporate Governance 2006-07 For independent functioning, the board comprised of both executive and non-executive members. Board also comprised several committees like Investor Grievances committee Compensation Committee Audit Committee The board was governed by code of conduct, which specified that all employees, directors needed to carry out their duties legally, honestly and ethically. It also specified all clauses that avoid any code of conflict etc.., Company’s Whistle Blower policy was also in place. According to experts though sound policies were in place none of the directors were objecting Raju’ s decisions even though they are against the interest of investor. It continued till the time when Raju was planning to acquire Maytas where the biz of Target Company was not aligning to Satyam and also those companies are promoted by Ramalinga Raju’s family members. 3.2 Role and Powers of Independent Directors (clause 49 of SEBI) SEBI had constituted a Committee on Corporate Governance under the chairmanship of N R Narayana Murthy to improve standards of corporate governance in India. SEBI introduced some major amendments based on the report on this committee on 26th August, 2003, in clause 49 of its listing agreement. Applicability of Clause 49 All companies which were required to comply with the requirement of the erstwhile clause 49 i.e. all listed entities having a paid up share capital of Rs 3 crores and above or net worth of Rs 25 crores or more at any time in the history of the entity, are required to comply with the requirement of this clause. This clause does not apply to other listed entities, which are not companies, but body corporates, incorporated under other statutes. Clause 49 will apply to these institutions as long as it does not violate their respective statutes, guidelines or directives. Clause 49 of the SEBI’s listing agreement relates to Independent Directors. Clause 49 Corporate Governance The company agrees to comply with the following provisions: I. Board of Directors (A) Composition of Board (i) The Board of directors of the company shall have an optimum combination of executive22 and non-executive23 directors with not less than fifty percent of the board of directors comprising of non-execu tive directors. (ii) Where the Chairman of the Board is a non-executive director, at least one-third of the Board should comprise of independent directors and in case he is an executive director, at least half of the Board should comprise of independent directors. (iii) For the purpose of the sub-clause (ii), the expression ‘independent director’ shall mean a non-executive director of the company who: a. Apart from receiving director‘s remuneration, does not have any material pecuniary relationships or transactions with the company, its promoters, its directors, its senior management or its holding company, its subsidiaries and associates which may affect independence of the director; b. Is not related to promoters or persons occupying management positions at the board level or at one level below the boardx` c. Has not been an executive of the company in the immediately preceding three financial years; d. Is not a partner or an executive or was not partner or an executive during the preceding three years, of any of the following: 1. The statutory audit firm or the internal audit firm that is associated with the company, and 2. The legal firm(s) and consulting firm(s) that have a material association with the company. e. Is not a material supplier, service provider or customer or a lessor or lessee of the company, which may affect independence of the director; and f. Is not a substantial shareholder of the company i.e. owning two percent or more of the block of voting shares. OTHER DEFINITIONS The Department of Company Affairs (DCA) had appointed a Committee headed by Mr. Naresh Chandra along with the distinct professionals from various fields. Apart from this, the Kumaramangalam Report also has suggestions about Independent Directors. Some definitions on Independent Directors. THE CADBURY REPORT (1992) Apart from their directors‘ fees and shareholdings, they should be independent of management and free from any business or other relationship which could materially interfere with the exercise of their independent judgmentâ€â€". THE KUMARAMANGALAM REPORT (1998) ―Independent directors are those directors who apart from receiving director‘s remuneration do not have any other material pecuniary relationship or transactions with the company, its promoters, its management or its subsidiaries, which in the judgment of the board may affect their independence of judgment THE NARESH CHANDRA REPORT (2003) Apart from receiving director‘s remuneration, does not have any other material pecuniary relationships or transactions with the company, its promoters and senior management.â€â€" It is significant to mention hear that the Naresh Chandra Committee report has opined that the recommendations made by the Kumaramangalam Committee in relation to independent directors are not precise and cannot fulfill the requirement of the independency as compared to the International best-in-class definitions and other pragmatic factors.25 An independent director is characterized by the following principle features: COMPANIES ACT, 1956 INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS Under the Companies Act,1956 the powers and duties of directors has evolved under interpretation of various Sections such as 291, 297, 299, 397, 398, 408, 629A, to name a few which have recognised and upheld directors‘ fiduciary duties to shareholders, to act with due care, skill and good faith. Sections 297 and 299, for example, are intended to eliminate possibility of conflict of interest. Unfortunately, the Act does not envisage a proper remedial regime, providing for rescission of underlying transactions, compensation for corporate and stakeholder losses, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains etc. Theoretically, some of these reliefs can be agitated for before the Company Law Board – but courts are hesitant to pass such drastic orders, in cases of such large, reputed companies ROLE OF INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR TOWARDS SHAREHOLDERS Corporate Governance principles all over and listing requirements assign tasks that have a potential for conflict of interest to independent directors, examples of these are integrity of financial and non-financial reporting, review of related party transactions, nomination of board members and key executives remuneration. The shareholders, especially the minority shareholders, look to independent directors providing transparency in respect of the disclosures in the working of the company as well as providing balance towards resolving conflict areas. In evaluating the board‘s or management decisions in respect of employees, creditors and other suppliers of major service providers, independent directors have a significant role in protecting the stakeholders interests. One of the mandatory requirements of audit committee is to look into the reasons for default in payments to deposit holders, debentures, non-payment of declared dividend and creditors. Further they are required to review the functioning of the ―Whistle Blower mechanismâ€â€" and related party transactions. These, essentially, safeguard the interests of the stakeholders 4 Major strategic decisions and its consequence December 16th 2008, Chairman Ramalinga Raju in a surprise move announced intent to acquire Maytas Properties and Maytas construction companies for a whopping 1.6Bn. While it is evident that these two companies are promoted by Ramalinga Raju’ s family in the industry circles it was not clear why should a IT services company focus on infra and property business. As the decisions was opposed by investors and clear indication of market fluctuation made Ramalinga Raju to revert his decision in 12 hours. Share prices plunges by 55% on concerns about Satyam’s corporate governance. In a surprise move, the World Bank announced on December 23, 2008 that Satyam has been barred from business with World Bank for eight years for providing Bank staff with â€Å"improper benefits†and charged with data theft and bribing the staff. Share prices fell another 14% to the lowest in over 4 years. The lone independent director since 1991, US academician Mangalam Srinivasan, announced resignation followed by the resignation of three more independent directors on December 28 i.e. Vinod K Dham (famously known as father of the Pentium and an ex Intel employee), M Rammohan Rao (Dean of the renowned Indian School of Business) and Krishna Palepu (professor at Harvard Business School)6. At last, on January 7, 2009, B. Ramalinga Raju announced confession of over Rs. 7800 crore financial fraud and he resigned as chairman of Satyam. A week after Satyam founder B Ramalinga Raju’ s scandalous confession, Satyam’s auditors Price Waterhouse finally admitted that its audit report was wrong as it was based on wrong financial statements provided by the Satyam’s management’s On January 22, 2009, Satyam’s CFO Srinivas Vadlamani confessed to having inflated the number of employees by 10,000 Satyam share price have seen sharp decline within hours of the outburst of the incident and further deteriorated after Ramalinga Raju’s confession Source: 5 Implementation of strategic decision On 30th Sep 2008, Satyam reported that it had cash reserves of 1.2Bn and on December 16th company expressed intent of acquiring Maytas Properties and Maytas Constructions for 1.6Bn. While Maytas infra a public listed company operating for two decades Maytas properties s only 6 months old which declared a revenue of 7.37Bn and net profit of 370 mn. On December 16th 2008 Satyam board approved acquisition of Maytas. The cash reserve to be used by Satyam to buy 51% of equity stake in Maytas infra for 1.3Bn USD and for Maytas properties 300 mn USD. Satyam planning to acquire 31% of the holding of the Raju family in Maytas Infra and another 20% through open offer to shareholders. The promoters held 36.64% equity stake in Maytas infra . Satyam planning to pay 475 Rs per Share which was 1.25% less than closing value December 16th and open offer made at 525 rs from the existing Maytas infra shareholders. After approval from board Ramalinga Raju announced this as a strategic move to de-risk core business by bootstrapping a new business vertical. He also called out that this would de-risk the recessional impacts on the current vertical of core business. Announcement however trigger negative reaction from industry, investors and stock markets. Satyam’s stock got severe beating on December 16;.The ADR fell from 12.55 to 5.70 after this announcement . On Bombay Stock Exchange the stock fell from 226 to 158 rs. It went down further to 134 on December 24th 2008. The decision attracted lot of criticism that promoters who has only 8.74% equity stake in the company were being allowed by the board to transfer a considerable amount of money from Satyam to Maytas where Ramalinga Raju’ s family own more stake. Analysts called that this is act of siphon to move cash from Satyam into a place where Raju’ s family has more stake. Experts also called that if board is convinced with the deal then it is their responsibility to inform major investment institutions which is a good sign of proper corporate governance. Valuation of Maytas was not transparent and this was not even informed to investors in advance. Investors called this process as act of misuse of Satyam funds and it’s a nepotism. Registrar of Companies asked Satyam to submit minutes of board meeting for validity and review held on December 16th 2008. However Satyam could not provide minutes of meeting in the said deadline given by RoC. These reactions compelled Satyam to roll back the decision within 12 hours .These accusations lead to few international issues where the long battle between British Virgin Island Based Upaid system and Raju and Satyam CFO. There are three cases breach of contract, forgery filed by filed by UPaid and one disparagement filed by Satyam. On December 23 2008 World Bank announced that it will bar Satyam to take any of its contracts for next 8 years due to improper invoice and benefit to employees. It was reported that Satyam sold its preferential shares to World Bank CIO. Before Maytas controversy got over DSP-Merlynch announced that it is terminating its advisory agreement with Satyam. In its communication it said considering various strategic options it had terminated its advisory agreement also quoted that it was to their understanding that there are accounting irregularities which prompted them above decision. Analysts said that this move compelled Raju to confess as SEBI asked DSP-Merlynch asking why it had to withdraw the agreement. 6 Merits/Flaws of implementation Following are the Governance Flaws noticed in the case of Satyam computer Services Limited 6.1 Unethical Conduct It is evident that founder of the company wanted to make money any which way by avoiding taxes, cooking books , creating false payrolls and pay offs. Shareholders, employees and clients realized steady diet of (A)Satyam. He was not following the spirit behind its name. Along with his brother Rama Raju who is his also managing director of the company disguised all this from company’s board , senior managers and auditors for several years. Confession revealed the fraudulent and unethical behavior of the duo who bagged many awards and rewards for his best corporate governance including prestigious Golden Peacock award. Both CEO and CFO charged for putting self-interests ahead of company’s interests. 6.2 A case of insider trading Both central and state investigation agencies and also audit firms revealed and established that promoters indulged in the nastiest kind of insider trading of company’s shares to raise money for building large land banks. It was established that money raised by Ramalinga Raju and Rama Raju along with his relatives used to buy lands in 330 binami companies. 6.3 Case of False Books and Bogus Accounts The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO), 23 a multi-disciplinary investigating arm of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, set up in 2003 with officials from various law enforcement agencies, was asked to investigate the fudging of accounts as admitted by B. Ramalinga Raju. the consent of the board was unanimously accorded after which Raju proposed the merger of MIL and MPL to the shareholders, which came in for stiff resistant, and issue of corporate governance was raised.†A couple of weeks later, Ramalinga Raju dropped a bombshell by sending a letter of admission to SEBI and the board of directors that he had fudged the accounts of Satyam and that the balance sheet as on September 30, 2008 carried an inflated (non-existent) cash and bank balances of Rs 5040 crore, non-existent interest of Rs 376 crore and understated liability of Rs 1230 crore Source: 6.4 Lax Board The Satyam Board was composed of ‘chairman-friendly’ directors who failed to question managements strategy and use of leverage in recasting the company; they were also extremely slow to act when it was already clear that the company was in financial distress. The glue that held the board members together was Ramalinga Raju. Each of the board members were there on his personal invitation and (that) made them ineffective. The Board ignored, or failed to act on, critical information related to financial wrongdoings before the company ultimately collapsed. It was only when Ramalinga Raju in the December, 2008 announced a $1.6 billion bid for two Maytas companies i.e. Maytas Infra and Maytas Properties, and while the share market reacted very strongly against the bid and prices plunged by 55 % on concerns about Satyam’s corporate governance, that some of the independent directors came into action by announcing their withdrawal from the Board 6.5 Unconvinced Role of Independent Directors The Satyam episode has brought out the failure of the present corporate governance structure that hinges on the independent directors, who are supposed to bring objectivity to the oversight function of the board and improve its effectiveness. They serve as watchdogs over management, which involves keeping their eyes and ears open at Board deliberations with critical eye raising queries when decisions scent wrong. Stakeholders place high expectations on them but the Satyam’s case reveals such expectations are misplaced. Six of the nine directors on Satyam’s Board were independent directors including US academician Mangalam Srinivasan (the independent director since 1991), Vinod K. Dham (famously known as father of the Pentium and an ex Intel employee), M Rammohan Rao (Dean of Indian School of Business), US Raju (former director of IIT Delhi), T.R. Prasad (former Cabinet Secretary) and Krishna Palepu (professor at Harvard Business School). They were men of standing reputation. To avoid any controversy, the two founder directors did not participate in the decision making process for the reason that the provisions of the Companies Act and SEBI regulations mandate presence of only disinterested directors in board meeting where the agenda of such a nature is discussed. This naturally causes suspicion on the role performed by the independent directors present in that meeting. What concerns everyone is that those independent directors allowed themselves to be party to the mysterious designs of the promoter directors. It is hard to believe that such eminent and experienced personalities could not discover the well-planned massive fraud and manipulations. 6.6 Questionable Role of Audit Firm/Committee The true role of audit committee in prà ©cis is to ensure transparency in the company, that financial disclosures and financial statements provide a correct, sufficient and creditable picture and that, cases of frauds, irregularities, failure of internal control system within the organization, were minimized, which the committee failed to carry out. The timely action on the information supplied by 18 a whistleblower to the chairman and members of the audit committee (an e-mail dated December 18, 2008 by Jose Abraham), could serve as an SOS to the company, but, they chose to keep silent and did not report the matter to the shareholders or the regulatory authorities. The Board members on audit committee who failed to perform their duties alertly be therefore tried out under the provisions of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (an unimaginable fine extendable to rupees 25 crore by also including imprisonment for a term, which may extent to 10 years). 6.7 Suspicious Role of Rating Agencies Credit rating agencies have been consistently accused of their lax attitude in assessing issuers and giving misleading ratings without thorough analysis, as has been the case of Enron and now in Satyam, they failed to warn market participants about the deteriorating condition of company. On December 2, 2001, Enron Corporation, the USA’s 7th largest corporation declared bankruptcy when it was rated investment grade by all the credit rating agencies even four days before its bankruptcy. None of the watchdogs barked, including the credit rating agencies, which had greater access to Enron’s books. In the case of Satyam, credit rating agencies have been heavily criticized as regards their role and for the accuracy of their ratings. The rating agencies were allowed to look into company’s books for making assessments but they never investigated the financial condition of Satyam. The rating agencies displayed lack of due diligence in their coverage and assessment of Satyam. They based their analysis on fraudulently prepared and audited financial statements and thereby failed to warn investors about Satyam’s deteriorating condition. 6.8 Questionable Role of Banks The ICAI Probe Panel has hit out at banks for not doing due diligence on Satyam Software Services Ltd before giving it loans. While sanctioning short term loans why not the banks posed any question as to why the company which was supposedly cash rich as per the financial statements was taking loans from them. The Panel wondered why the government put Deepak Parikh on its Board despite his HDFC group being a major creditor to the company. The banks that gave loans to Satyam during 2000-08 despite the company claiming huge surpluses were HDFC Bank (Rs 530 Crore, Citibank (223.87 Crore), Citicorp Finance (Rs222.28 Crore), ICICI Bank (Rs 40 Crore), and BNP Paribas (Rs 20 Crore) totaling Rs 122.161 Crore. 6.9 Fake Audit PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)’s audit firm, Price Waterhouse, was in the auditor for Satyam and have been auditing their accounts since 2000-01. The fraudulent role played by the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in the failure of Satyam matches the role played by Arthur Anderson in the collapse of Enron. S Goplakrishnan and S Talluri, partners of PwC according to the SFIO findings, had admitted they did not come across any case or instance of fraud by the company. However, Ramalinga Raju admission of having fudged the accounts for several years put the role of these statutory auditors on the dock. The SFIO report stated that the statutory auditors instead of using an independent testing mechanism used Satyam’s investigative tools and thereby compromised on reporting standards.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
From analgesics to chemotherapy, over the years Medicinal Chemistry has helped treat a range of diseases and pathogens. My reasons for wanting to pursue a career in this field stem from my fascination with how drugs function and recondition imbalances in the human body. How a tiny tablet, so small and insignificant looking, can at times achieve such life-enhancing results. However that simple tablet requires a substantial amount of engineering for it to restore the body’s natural rhythm. After reading the article â€Å"Inside the Mind of a Medicinal Chemist†I discovered how computers and algorithms are used to make the decision process behind compound prioritization easier, which in turn reduces the amount of time spent on manufacturing the product. It is fascinating to learn that consensus is not always achievable between medicinal chemists and this highlighted for me the scope of opportunities available for research within the field. My love for Chemistry fuels my analytical approach which is why I am constantly querying the â€Å"how?†and the â€Å"why?†behind the engineering of medicine. I...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Review Of Related Literature Essay
Excessive intake on the quantity and quality of food could result to an increase in weight and obesity. Individuals are less likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and other chronic diseases if they consume foods which are rich in fruits and vegetables ( Research also shows that children in poor diet contributes to overweight by eating on fast food restaurants including fatty snacks which led to an increase in calorie intake (Hofferth & Curtin, 2003). Some studies support the idea that students might not be eating the right kind of foods at school. Students attending fast food restaurants are not going with a healthy in mind even though some offer healthier options. Previous research has shown the most important factors to food choices are: taste, cost, nutrition, convenience, pleasure, and weight control (Glanz, Basil, Maiback, Goldberg, & Snyder, 1198). The 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos have similarly advised the consumption of more fruits and vegetables in the Filipino diet and limit the intake of foods that are high in fats, sugar and salt. Several studies indicate that the majority of college students eat less than the recommended levels of fruits and vegetables needed to obtain the benefit of healthy living (Boyton Health Service, 2010; Deshpande et al., 2009) Many previous studies have shown people often establish taste preferences and eating habits while they are young (Birch, 1999: Drewnowski & Hann, 1999). One leading factor leading to obesity in Philippines is increasing the domestic food prices, forcing restaurants to increase the purchase of unhealthy processed food over healthy foods. Fast food is definitely a problem that concerns us today. Because modern food is composed of artificial ingredient, flavors, preservatives and chemicals that has a long term effect on the health of the students. This explains why diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and other nutritional imbalance sicknesses are afflicting people at even younger ages. Moreover, many students today spend most of their hours on computer seated instead of engaging in physical activities that could help burn food. The result is fat lazy children that is not familiar with any household chore. As people enters adolescence, more people tend to do eating decisions. The transition to independent living during the university days is an important event ( College and universities should be encourage to have healthy eating through educational programming because results of a study in the Philippines on childhood obesity, showed that students in private schools are prone to obesity because they are exposed to calorie-rich foods at home and in school (Tanchoco et al., 2006). The media, the government, the school authorities should be involved regarding fast food influences and consequences to their communities ( National Nutrition Survey (NNS) also found that overweight and obesity prevalence among children is 5%, while for Filipino teenagers, it is 8.3%.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Association Football and Davies Middle School Essay
For me to be a member of the National Juniors Honors Society would be an amazing privilege. I believe I should be accepted because I am dedicated and passionate about my activities inside and outside of school. Also I will bring strong leadership as well as teamwork skills to NJHS. I am always looking for new ways to help people even in the smallest of things. Lastly, I have received many recognition awards and commendations. I think these qualities will make me an excellent member of the National Junior Honor Society here at William Davies Middle School. One of my biggest passions is my soccer team, the Hamilton Shock. I have been playing soccer for a little over a year and a half and I love it. We work together not only as a team but like a family through our losses and wins. All we have done is improve. They have helped me become a better soccer player and we have become an excellent team with my optimism and teamwork. Another activity that I am involved with in school is S. W. A. T or Students Working to Advance Technology. We work together to come up with new ways to inform our student body about the events going on at Davies. We are always helping each other with new ideas like our Davies â€Å"App†that we are currently working on. In the end our projects always come together. My biggest community activity is for Special Olympics of New Jersey. My family and I attend many of the events for SONJ including the Summer Games. I started volunteering by working and playing with the athletes. The area we staffed was where the athletes came to take a break and play with carnival-like games. The ages ranged from little kids to adults. It was fun putting smiles on their faces when you told them they won! It showed me we aren’t any different than them. They still like to do sports and have fun. They love to win prizes as do we. They just have disabilities that make them special. Over all volunteering for SONJ is a fantastic experience and in my opinion every boy and girl should do it one day. I am always looking for ways to help out around school. My interest started in 4th grade with my teacher Mrs. Giordano. I would stay inside for recess and help prepare the classroom for the next lesson. Then in 5th grade I would skip recess some days and go to the library to help. As a Library Helper, I would check books in and out and restock the shelves. Most recently this year, I sold bracelets for the Hurricane Sandy Relief during my lunch period. Some of these examples show I am willing to give up my time to help others. Although I am young I have already been recognized for my outstanding performance in school. For instance, in 5th grade, I was chosen by my principal, Mrs. Jennifer Baldwin, as the most outstanding student in the George L. Hess Elementary School for that year. I was awarded The Bassetti Award and received Phillies tickets for my outstanding grades and overall performance in school. I have continued this effort here at Davies. With my good grades I have been on the Superintendent’s list for five quarters. Lastly, I have also acquired several Praise Referrals. Although I am most proud of two that I got last year. These referrals were for helping one of the students in my language arts class that needed a little extra guidance sometimes. I could tell she got frustrated and confused easily. I would try my best every time to help her. Some of the other kids thought she was weird or strange. I didn’t mind her behaviors because she was one of my friends. When I was given these awards I didn’t understand what I was being rewarded for because I wasn’t doing anything extra. I was just doing what I normally would do, try to do my best and help those around me. In final consideration, this shows that I have been successful so far but I believe I will go on to do even bigger and better things and I hope NJHS can help me do that. I have ideas of improving our school and town such as a Special Olympics volunteering program. I would also like to show other students how they can help and improve our school. I think my best years at Davies are ahead and they can only be better with my involvement in the National Junior Honors Society.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Children with ITP
Children with ITP Free Online Research Papers ITP is a very rare disease that only affects 200,000 people each year, half of them are children. ITP stands for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura. Idiopathic indicates that the cause of the illness is unknown; thrombocytopenia means that there is a decrease in the number of platelets, and purpura refers to the purple discoloration of the skin. ITP is a non-contagious auto-immune disease that causes a person to bruise and bleed easily. In ITP the platelets are the target of the immune system. This compromises the both the production of platelets and the number of platelets circulating the blood. This disease primarily affects children although it can strike at any age. The exact causes of ITP are unknown; however some doctors believe that it may occur after a viral or bacterial infection, a vaccination, or an exposure to a cytotoxic agent. The immune system marks the platelets a â€Å"foreign invader†and the platelets are destroyed or â€Å"eaten†by special white blood cells called macrophages and T-cells. These cells destroy the platelets in the blood and they get eliminated from the body by the spleen. There are two types of ITP, acute and chronic. Acute ITP is often linked to an infection, is self limiting, and is the most common type among children. Chronic ITP is always of an unknown origin and usually affects adults. It is important that the parents understand that there is nothing they did or could have done differently for their child to not have this disease. Before a parent can understand the full spectrum of their child’s illness it is important that they understand normal. A normal platelet count for anybody, even children is 150,000 to 400,000 platelets per milliliter of blood. A child that has ITP can have platelets counts of 2,000 – 3,000 platelets per milliliter. Although a platelet count of 30,000 is enough to prevent severe bleeding in children. The goal of all treatment is to protect the child from severe bleeding. Parents tend to ignore most of the symptoms of ITP until they are more severe, because most of the symptoms are very vague, and most children get bumps and bruises from normal play. This leads to the child being at a much higher risk of severe bleeding at the time of diagnosis. All of the symptoms associated with are ITP are related to the low platelets and bleeding. Parents will see easy bruising, small red pinpoint spots (called petechiae), or purpura. Purpura look like small to medium blood blisters that form under the skin. The child might have cuts that take much too long to stop bleeding, unexplained bleeding from the nose or mouth/gums. The parent might also notice blood in the urine, stool or vomit. If a child has any of these signs they should be seen by a doctor right away. A Hematology doctor or blood doctor is usually needed to diagnose ITP. Because of its rarity most doctors have never seen a case of it. The only way to have definitive diagnosis is to do a bone marrow aspiration. This will rule out all other possibilities such as leukemia and cancers. The doctors will also run several blood tests and a urine analysis. the blood studies will show a count of the cells in the blood and how long it takes for the blood to clot. With the bone marrow aspiration the doctors are looking to see if platelets are being produced, because one of the problems with ITP is that the bone marrow stops producing the platelets. The goal of all treatment is raise the platelets to safe level and restore a normal or near normal lifestyle. The treatments for ITP vary depending on the severity and how the body reacts to the treatment. The primary course of treatment is high dose corticosteroids, also known as steroids, primarily they use prednisone. They will also try Gammagloblins such as IVIg or IgG. Immunosuppressive drugs are also frequently use in conjunction with steroids or IgG. Immunosuppressive drugs are often called Chemotherapy drugs. There is also a new medication that is being tested by the FDA called Eltrombopag. It is still in the final stage of the clinical trials, but shows a great outcome. The last and final treatment that is done when nothing else has worked is to do total Splenectomy or removal of the spleen. The goal of all treatment is raise the platelets to safe level and restore a normal or near normal lifestyle. The goal of all of these treatments is to suppress the immune system to a po int where it can â€Å"reboot†and not have a tendency to attack platelets. How a child’s life will be affected by the treatment is highly dependent on the treatment. A child with ITP can live a normal life (i.e. attend school, play non-contact sports) unless platelets drop below 20,000. some of the side effects that might be seen with the prednisone treatment are moodiness and irritability, they may develop a puffy face, have frequent urination increased appetite, and weight gain. When taking prednisone long term they will have growth impairment, they may not reach a full expected height. When taking the immunosuppressive medications the child will have side effects that similar to chemotherapy treatments. This is because a lot of the same medications are used to treat ITP as many cancers. Some of those side effects include weight loss, anorexia, hair loss, and over all ill feeling. When a splenectomy is done the child will have to be cautious of becoming sick. With a splenectomy the child is extremely immune-compromised and cannot fight even a simpl e cold. ITP will affect a child in many aspects of their life, but it also depends on the age of the child when they get it. As a preschooler they may never remember having it, but a school aged child or adolescent will remember what it was like. It is a scary process to go through. I hope that one day they will find a way to treat this without all the side effects that the disease and its treatments bring. ITP Foundation Helping Kids with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from ITP, petechiae, and purpura . (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from Idiopathic thromobocytopenic purpura (ITP). (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from Young, J. (n.d.). Platelet Disorder Support Association. Retrieved September 22, 2009, from Bromberg., E., M. (n.d.). AMG 531, a Thrombopoiesis-Stimulating Protein, for Chronic ITP. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from Eltrombopag Raises Platelet Blood Cell Count And Decreases Bleeding In Patients With Clotting Cell Shortage. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2009, from Inc.. (n.d.). HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from Liebman, H. A. (n.d.). Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP): An Historical Perspective Liebman 2008 (1): 205 Hematology. Hematology. Retrieved November 23, 2009, from Nugent, D. J. (n.d.). Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura of Childhood Nugent 2006 (1): 97 Hematology. Hematology. Retrieved November 23, 2009, from Research Papers on Children with ITPPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenGenetic EngineeringMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is Art
Monday, November 4, 2019
Gender roles in leadership and how they impact behavior Research Paper
Gender roles in leadership and how they impact behavior - Research Paper Example Action of any leader has been always dependent on the response given by the followers, and these actions also responsible to control the leader’s future activities. Therefore according to Sullivan leadership in a mutual process of influence between an individual (leader) and the followers to achieve a certain goal. (Sullivan, 2009, abstract). With the development of society and work culture, it is now very clear that the opportunity to free both men and women from the concept of gender stereotype is already there, to understand the implication of this change it is quite essential to discuss about the history of gender roles in respect to leadership. According to Perschel (2009), There was a long standing though that men were strong and assertive where as women were communal, strong and understanding, this was the thought process presented to describe why the successful women were not the leaders. But according to her, this concept brought few questions such as why in the first place leadership was only associated with men and so on (Perschel, 2009). History of leadership: During 1900 most of the people were not well educated and therefore he leadership role was associated with only a few men, the theory of the great man clarified the fact that due to that less education only a handful of men was associated with leadership power and enjoy superiorintelectual and moral capabilities. But after world war I and II, the scenery started to change as more people get well educated and different industry all over the world was in search for more leaders. During the middle of 1900 century people who was acting as the leaders were used the military style and command .These were also noticed in different hierarchialorganizations where the prevalence of command and control level were established. Most of the leaders were men and the power was distributed among them. They used to be dominative, aggressive and individualistic. By the late 20th century women used to take part in the management activities but at the beginning they have to learn how they could survive in the culture of command and control of men. The minority group of female, who entered the management structure are initially recognized just as tokens. Perschel refers to the concept of â€Å" rules of three†- there was a necessity to have at least two people supporting the thoughts of minority groups, before it could be heard by the dominant male management team. According to her, women needed to show their power-both individualism and assertiveness with a proper balance of feminity, softness and community orientation to be heard and get proper attention by the top management (Perschel, 2009). Change in Gender Stereotype in Leadership: With the development of the world economy and standard of work culture it is at present absolutely necessary that every organization has to be fast and nimble in order to be successful. leaders of the top management need to create a work culture where the employees feel comfortable and adapt quickly.the high performing work force can only be managed by a leader who have qualities that ensured 6the belief on each and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Tiebout Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Tiebout Model - Essay Example The main finding included the fact that inter-jurisdictional competition is a vital element of the mechanism. The key players in Tiebout’s model are individual citizens and governments. business firms are not an explicit part of the model (Brueckner 2004, p 138). It was meant to be applied to local governments and to a lesser degree, to state governments. The model assumes citizens have full knowledge of government revenue and expenditure packages, that there are a large number of communities among which individuals can choose to live, and that people will opt for the community that best satisfies their preferences. Moreover, the model assumes that government services exhibit no spillover effects (Billings 2008, p 45). Tiebout’s model made three additional assumptions; one, that jobs impose no locational constraint on individuals; two, that a community’s optimal size, meaning the size for which the average cost of producing a particular packages of public service s is minimized, can be determined; and three, that each community seeks to attain its optimal size (Feiock 2004, p. 76). The model envisions citizens sorting themselves out among available communities so that demands for government services within any particular community would become homogenous. In theory, Tiebout concluded that to the extent these rather restrictive assumptions are met, good and services provided by the local public sector will exhibit both allocative efficiency (the right amounts of the various good and services are produced ) and productive efficiency (they are produced at least cost) (Rivkin 2001, p. 206). In Tiebout’s model, community taxes would be benefit taxes, or proportional to the benefits citizens receive form public services, rather than taxes based on the ability to pay. Tiebout’s model implies that any redistribution of income is taken care of by the federal government (Rivkin 2001, p. 207). Despite all the pros of the Tiebout model, va rious changes in the finance systems of local governments over the last three decades, such as fiscal centralization, work against the establishment of Tiebout effects. This uniformity is undesirable and future reforms should target to encourage a greater diversity of service provision. Competition among local governments, cities and municipalities, as depicted in Tiebout’s model, most at times serve to improve efficiency and delivery of service and goods to the citizens. Based on Tiebout’s model, where there is competition, citizens will come together to take care of all types of demands for public goods and service (Widmer & Zweifel 2008, p. 5). Moreover, individuals will relocate to communities that best meets their demand for public goods and services and the productivity is improved and more efficient since shady and/ ineffective providers of public services and goods will not get any clients. Tiebout model has all the benefits of a competitive market (Feiock 2004 , p. 97). According to Tiebout, it is clear that decentralization of provision of public goods and services results in a positive influence on performance. The rationale is that citizens will procure from the providers who give them the best quotient between public service and tax paid. In a study on fiscal equalization, where disparities among local
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