Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay on Scalawags - 2462 Words
Scalawags 1. Who were the Scalawags?  · Scalawags is the name given to native or local whites who supported the Rep party. The origins of the word is uncertain but the term came from Scalway, a district in Sheton Island, where small cattle lived. Used in US before the Civil war to mean scrawny or undersized cattle. It was also a synonmy for good for nothing. Southern conservative whites found the scalawags uniquely hateful. Blacks were considerable more understand then the faults of a scalawags who was considered a traitor to the south and his own white race.  · They were primarily thought to be poor whites who had opposed the southern aristocracy and the confederacy and who now sought personal and class gains through the†¦show more content†¦He missappropiated arms funds. He also took money for pardons and appointments. He betrayed not only his state, but his class, his college, the negroes who voted him in the office and himself. When he finished his term as a governor, he was an hopeless bankrupt. His associates abandoned him. Because of Chamberlains (carpetbagger) effort to erase the corruption left by Moses, some democrats thought about relected him. His wife divorced him and he went to Mass where he was moderator of the town meetings  · Another Ex: Christopher Columbus Bowen (SC): best resembles the conservative stereoptye. Born in RI, he moved to Ge where he made his living as a card dealer. He joined the confederate army. Courtmarshalled and jailed in Charleston but was freed when the Union army occupied the city in 1865. In 1868, he was jailed again for alledgedly embezzling money from the freedmen. Acquited in 1872 on a bigomy charge. Pardoned by President Grant. Served two terms in the national house of reps.  · Most common elements of these native southerns who became republican were: Unionist background, lingering attachment to Whiggery, and a closely related attraction to the economic philosophy of the Rep party. Republicans also attracted number of urban and small town artisans and among southerns foreign born working men. Some unionists and former whigs would not consider joining the democratic party for any reasons. SomeShow MoreRelatedWhy the Reconstruction Stopped After the Civil War Essay678 Words  | 3 Pageshe would be a victim of the Ku Klux Klan, then it was probably not safe for Republicans, scalawags, and carpetbaggers in the South during Reconstruction. The North was responsible for providing safety in the South for Republicans, carpetbaggers, scalawags, and African Americans. This would have proved that the North was negligent. 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The Civil War, a war between the North and South in The United States of America fought over state’s rights, slavery, and nullification. This war was fought mostly in the South, which caused tons and tons of damage emotionally physically and politically to the South. In the following paragraphs, what exactly reconstruction is, how it and the war affected The United States ofRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller829 Words  | 4 Pageswas only a kid, she saw her guardians ruthless homicides. I saw Indians smash my dear parents heads on the pillow next to mine... (page 20) After her traumatic experience, she was raised by her uncle, Reverend Parris, who is to some degree a scalawag. In the play it was composed He (Parris) was a widower with no interest in children, or talent with them. (Page 3) Along these lines, it is clear to see that Abigail grew up with no adoration or supporting. She additionally was with no genuineRead MoreWhat If Abraham Lincoln Hadnt Died? Essay626 Words  | 3 Pageswanted, Jackson wanted the south to suffer and pay for what it had cause, therefore making the south a victim of the North’s carpetbaggers’ ambition to make easy money by taking chance of the horrible conditions the south had brought to itself, and Scalawags, white southerners that gave their backs to the south to join the republicans (hypocrites, probably did this to save themselves). Even though there is a great chance carpetbaggers would have found a way to make money in the south if Lincoln hadRead MoreSteroids Damage both Athletes and Sports Essay885 Words  | 4 PagesBaseball to respond promptly and aggressively to allegations of illegal use or possession of Performance enhancing substances.†(Salisbury par 9) â€Å"What the report seems to establish is that baseball has indeed had a steroid era, not just a few scalawags. All records, all statistical achievements, from the era of the 1990s and early 2000s have to be viewed through the lens of baseball made better through science.†(Manny-headed Monster par 15) Another benefit of testing athletes is that it canRead MoreThe Civil War And Its Effect On The Reconstruction Process849 Words  | 4 Pageslooks at the rightness or wrongness of the stance that Lincoln took and its effect on the reconstruction process. The radicals in the South were less accommodative to what President Lincoln was trying to implement at the time. The carpetbaggers and scalawags at the time, began, rebuilding the Southern economy on their own terms, far from the policy President Lincoln was bringing in. because of the end of slavery, freemen were equally included in building the economy, where schools were built and shared
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Managing the Diverse Workforce Free Essays
string(41) " by means of excellent work and loyalty\." Everybody is created uniquely as compared with others. There might be qualities that some people or groups possess that the other group does not. This is diversity. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing the Diverse Workforce or any similar topic only for you Order Now A diverse workforce can give many advantages that the problems associated with it are carefully studied and solved for. Variety of ideas and views regarding important matters within the organization can contribute a lot to the success of the work. Although there might arise conflict and misunderstanding, it can be addressed properly to be converted as strength of the company. Efficient diverse workforce management requires a lot of effort and even money, yet it is very worth it for it gives a lot of benefits to the company.                 Managing the Diverse Workforce With further advancement in technology, health issues are continuously being addressed. As such, the life expectancy of people is increasing. This has an immense effect in the business sector. According to Sheldon Steinhauser, the median age of workers raised from 38 years in 1994 to 55 or more in 2005. Also, more and more people from poor performing countries or states are going to richer countries or nations to apply for jobs. The days when women are left in the houses for housekeeping and baby-sitting are also over. Women are pursuing their own careers nowadays. With these happenings, diversity in the workforce is very evident and is expected to increase in the coming years. The question now is what its effects in the business are and how this issue should is addressed. Everybody is created uniquely as compared with others. There might be qualities that some people or groups possess that the other group does not. This is diversity. Oftentimes, diversity is associated with demographic-related factors such as ancestry, gender or age. Aside from those mentioned above, this may also cover sexual orientation, educational and professional training, civil status and religious preference. Cultural background is also a major dimension. According to Bateman and Snell, a diversified workforce may include, but are not limited to: ethnic groups and minorities, migrant workers, disable, women, and people with varying expectations, values, affiliations, economic status and work style. In order to manage diversity, the systems and practices must be reviewed and changed if necessary to maximize the capabilities of the people in it. Implementation of the systems must be ensured to extract the abilities of the employees so as to maximize their contribution to the company. In order to do this effectively, the employer or the human resource personnel must know the individual differences of the workforce. Just like in other setting, diversity can be taken as advantageous to the company if handled well. People with varying values and skills may contribute to the aggregate success of the whole. However, to be able to achieve such success, each difference must be preserved and nurtured. Bateman and Stale noted the existence of a glass ceiling in the company. This is an invisible barrier that hinders women and members of the minority groups from reaching a higher level in the hierarchy of the organization. As such, the potentials of these groups are not maximized. However, f or the sake of profit and improvement, this barrier is being removed nowadays. As different ways to manage diversity are being discovered, discrimination in the workplace is slowly exiting. Although there is really no definite formula in handling diversity, researches and experiences help the human resource personnel and leaders extract the full potentials of their employees from all walks of life. Employing people amidst their cultural and demographic background allows the company to have a good share in the labor pool. Many skillful workers belong to ethnic groups or are women, or are older people. Thus, not including them in the search would lessen the already small labor pool. Also, according to studies at the Stanford Business School, as written in the Business and Legal Reports, diversity among employees can generate better performance when it comes to out-of-the-ordinary creative tasks. For instance, business developments are more effective if the decision-making body is composed of diverse individuals. Their different views could be taken into the advantage of the company. Their varying experiences can be put together to achieve a solid and effective decision. In sales and promotions, a team composed of people from different regions or age brackets or lifestyles can have their own suggestions based from what they themselves want or favor. The target customer could be re presented by the members of the team so their needs would be addressed even at the start of the project. Discussions about the differences of ideas can also be taken as positive since more options will arise and more factors would be considered on the initial planning, thus reducing the chance of error or unseen circumstance. Also, a company that crosses boundaries and differences creates a good impression to the labor pool. In effect, workers would be the ones to approach the human resource personnel, thus, saving more money for the promotions and employee search, and more often than not, those highly-skilled workers are the ones who go for such companies. Furthermore, traditional practices may no longer be applicable to the current policies and need and a diverse workforce is more unbounded to deviate from this, resulting to a better system. Businesses and organizations are sprouting all over during the course of time. In effect, competition is high not only for the share of the market, but also for the shrinking labor pool. Aside from attracting workers due to effective diversity management, homogeneity can also address the need for flexibility and change. By valuing the differences of the individuals, the company is rewarded by its employees by means of loyalty and excellence. A secret in effective management is making the subordinates feel its worth as part of the team. If this is given to him, he would strive to return this sense of importance by means of excellent work and loyalty. You read "Managing the Diverse Workforce" in category "Essay examples" This is when the employee shows his best capabilities. Managing a diverse workforce creates a good impression not only to the employees and members of the organizations but to the people outside it as well. According to Bateman and Stale, diverse customers tend to favor these kinds of organizations. Also, the diverse market can be better addressed if they are well-represented in the company by the diverse employees. As such, customer satisfaction is higher and patronage would be awarded. To marginalize the workforce is to waste money, time and skillful workers. Such action would create a bad impression to the market and to the labor pool. Also, it would hinder the entrance of highly-skilled workers who happened to not belong to the widely-accepted group. It may also illicit complaints and conflicts from members of the marginalized group. Having a diverse workforce is not all glory. Diversity also creates conflicts especially if it involves ideas or beliefs. Yes, varying opinions create a healthy atmosphere for discussion and debate but this oftentimes lead to misunderstanding and conflict. Interpersonal conflict may arise and eventually destroy the group. Sometimes, attack is taken not just against the idea but on the person as well. Discrimination among workers may also be difficult to handle. People from different groups tend to be more protective of their identity or beliefs and this often lead to discord. Discussions may also take longer than usual in order to entertain all differing and sometimes conflicting views. Lack of cohesiveness does not only involve ideas or views but even understanding of the goal. The aim may be interpreted differently and this would lead to people walking towards different directions, making the finish line more difficult to reach. This must be attended to at the start so as to ensure that the team is walking towards the same direction in order to save effort, time, money and other resources. According to the Business and Legal Reports, problems also include the answer to the question of how the employees must be treated. Should it be fair or same? What is the basis of fairness? Treating different employees is not an easy task. A simple task of distributing a memo for all the employees poses a problem. The language to be used, the capacity of all the people to understand and a lot others must be taken into primary consideration. Biases must be kept far from decision-making and management but individual capacities of the employees must also be taken into account. As for members of the workforce, the major problem is miscommunication. Differences may hinder smooth transfer of information from the people inside the organization. People from different races might have different understanding in words or expressions. Misinterpreting the gestures or actions of others may yield to conflict or argument within the organization. Also, stereotyping may also arise. An individual or group may think that they are superior to others. This would affect the performance of all the people in the workforce. Instead of focusing on the goal, stereotyped members of the team may be distracted and concentrate on being within the â€Å"more superior†group. Also, perseverance and efforts of the members might be disregarded as several members focus on their colleagues. Researches and experiences claim that to manage a diverse workforce is never easy. It is a task that has to be well-taken cared of. Yet, it is also possible. In fact, there are several multicultural organizations that employ a diverse workforce. There are advices for management and human resources personnel as to how this issue must be handled in order to extract the best abilities of the members of the team. First and foremost, the top management must have an eye on the effectiveness of the diverse workforce. They must be sensitive to the feedbacks of diverse groups regarding company policies or ordinances. They must be also aware to the response of the other members of the team. The plans and objectives of the organization must also incorporate diverse workforce. Most of all, top managers must participate and take the lead in the programs that aim to learn about diversity. Trainings and seminars can also be conducted to better handle and manage a diverse workforce. Rewards can be given to further affirm the good works of the team members. Lastly, a team building is essential to create a bond between members of the company. In doing so, the risk of miscommunication is lessened, as well as the possibility for conflict. With the growing competition in the labor pool and the market, any organization cannot afford to lose a skillful individual just because he belongs to a minority or because he is outside the margin line. A diverse workforce can give many advantages that the problems associated with it are carefully studied and solved for. Variety of ideas and views regarding important matters within the organization can contribute a lot to the success of the work. Although there might arise conflict and misunderstanding, it can be addressed properly to be converted as strength of the company. Efficient diverse workforce management requires a lot of effort and even money, yet it is very worth it for it gives a lot of benefits to the company. References Bateman and Snell. Managing the Diverse Workforce. Retrieved November 22, 2007     from Business and Legal Reports. Diversity Can Improve Decision-Making. Retrieved           November      22, 2007, from Human Resources, University of California, Berkeley.Guide to Managing Human          Resources: Chapter 12: Managing Diversity in the Workplace. Retrieved November    22, 2007 from Improvement Network. Managing a Diverse Workforce. Retrieved November 22,          2007 from   Piturro Marlene, PhD.. Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce. Retrieved           November      22, 2007 from Steinhauser Sheldon. (1999, January). Successfully Managing an Age Diverse Workforce.        Managing Diversity, Vol. 8, Retrieved November 22, 2007 from    United States Department of Trade (2007). Leading a Diverse Workforce. Retrieved     November 22, 2007 from      leading_a_diverse.html   How to cite Managing the Diverse Workforce, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Narrative essay about friend free essay sample
My adventure started when my family and I decided to leave our country. Our destiny was unknown and mysterious, and we didn’t know what the future was holding for us, until destiny managed to bring us to the United States of America. At that time, I was still young, but I realized the greatness of the country that I was headed to. Where people achieved their goals and reached all limit. But I figured there was a big problem, which was the language that I should be adapting to sooner or later. Actually, I hated English ever since school, because our teacher was very bad looking and smelled like a rotten egg, and most of the time the class was disorganized. Students were very quiet and bored to death. And I felt like my heart was dimed in the darkness every time I walked into the classroom. Before going to school in America, I was scared that I would start whispering to myself or shouting loudly and felt my skin was cold and my surface was very smooth, whenever I thought that I can’t adapt to the culture and be part of the society at the time. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative essay about friend or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So I was looking for friends that speak my language to help me in school and guide me of what was going and be left behind. I met my first two friends Jihad who I called â€Å"Joy†and Murtadha. My parents and friends tried to convincing me not to be afraid or panic about school and that I was going to pick up language quicker than a sponge would suck water, but my fears overcome these cheers. I felt incapable of control my senses and I would take moment of silence every once in a while, breathing smoothly. I smelled bad wind blowing through my body and body was very heavy that I couldn’t feel my muscle, if like I was almost paralyzed. And I almost felt like crying. I had a fight with my parent on the first day school in the morning to not go to school, but I was forced to go any ways. At the beginning, although I faced some difficulties in learning new language but by time past and with my friends help, I found solution for my problems and defeated the fears I had at the beginning. Finally, I gained an experience and own new friendship in this adventure. After look at this, I learned that don’t let fear overcome you and all your senses, and try to figure out a solution no matter how big is the problem. And if you need help don’t be scared to ask a good friend.
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